Decoria is a modern furniture shopping store that elevates your living spaces with a touch of styles and modern elegance ✨
The goal of this project is to get comfortable with React hooks and state management with React Context, and become a bit closer to real life projects. Most of the projects I've worked with are only small pieces that are not much useful on it's own. By doing this project I will have to think not only as a developer but as a business and a customer. I will be updating the project time to time and adding information on what I did, what I learned, change of the plans and etc. Let's dive into details of this project!
This web app is created with:
- TypeScript version 5.2.2
- React.js version 18.2.0
- React Router DOM version 6.14.2
- axios version 1.1.3
- dotenv version 16.0.3
- Stripe Checkout version 10.16.0
- styled-components version 5.3.6
Pull requests are welcomed and highly appreciated. Before making any major changes, please feel free to open an issue and initiate a discussion about your ideas. Your valuable input and collaboration are greatly valued.
This web app is available under MIT.