Task Squirrel is an app designed to assist parents in motivating their children to complete chores and lend a helping hand. The app offers a list of tasks that users can assign to their children, and it requires users to attach photos as proof of task completion. Additionally, Task Squirrel provides a map feature to display the location where each photo was taken.
By the end of this lab, you will be able to:
[x] Utilize PHPickerViewController to select photos and retrieve photo data from the photo library.
[x] Implement MapKit to display custom annotations on a map.
- View a list of tasks that need to be completed for the scavenger hunt.
- Each task is represented by a Task data model with the following properties:
- Title
- Description
- Image (of type UIImage?)
- isComplete (a computed property that returns true if an image is attached).
- The task list displays the title property of each task.
- Tapping on a task provides access to its details, including:
- Title
- Description
- Completion status
- An annotation on an MKMapView that contains the attached photo.
- If no photo is attached, the map view is hidden, and an "Attach Photo" button is displayed instead.
- The "Attach Photo" button is replaced by the map view once a user attaches a photo.
- Users can attach a photo within the task detail view, marking the task as completed in both the detail view and task list.
- Users can view the location of the attached photo on a map inside the task view.
To get started with Task Squirrel, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the Xcode project in the repository.
- Build and run the app on your iOS device or simulator.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- This project was developed as part of Lab 4 for Code Path - IOS Mobile Apps
Note: [Mobile Apps]