Installs application mern-crud on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on Azure.
- Chef server with valid local client configuration. I used Chef Automate for Azure.
This will do the following tasks:
- Install MongoDB and start a localhost instance on port 27017
- Install nodejs
- Install npm
- Install git
- Install nginx as a reverse proxy
- Downloads and deploys application mern-crud
- Download your Chef Starter Kit, confirm you are able to connect to your Chef Server with knife.
- Clone this repository.
- Upload Cookbooks
- Create nodes
- Bootstrap Node via Chef Linux Azure Extension
- Validate chef-client run.
Create simple Ubuntu Server with ARM template on Azure:
az group deployment create --resource-group YOURRESOURCEGROUPNAME --template-uri --parameters adminPublicKey="YOUR PUB SSH KEY HERE" adminUsername=USERNAMEHERE