‣ Authenticated users can upload their medical details and they can manage or edit it.
‣ Each user can see other’s medical records with the unique 5 lettered UserID, but can not edit or modify it. The parameters on the profile page are recent updated parameters(This feature in mainly for doctors and healthcare workers who want to see patient's medical records to have a clear vison).
‣ They can also view the graphical analysis of various parameters with time(as of now showed 2 parameters).
‣ Users can delete their accounts if they want.
‣ Implementation of forgot password feature and mobile no. verification to prevent fake users as much as possible.
‣ Users can also get an appointment through chatbot which will be mailed to them after appointment. Reappointment can not be done within 24 hours of first appointment.
‣ They can also contact us through email for any query.
‣ Logged In users can post their need and other users can respond to their posts. And their further communications can be performed through mail sent from our website.