Rudimentary dumper of WARC files via the python warcio lib
This is a very basic script.
You need to two things.
A valid WARC file (and its full system path)
A system path for where you want to resulting files to go.
You give it a WARC file and it tries to extract all the binaries into one of two folders.
filename is pulled from record.rec_headers.get_header('WARC-Target-URI')
media_dump is where any file that loks like it ends with [.jpg, .pdf, .png, .mp4] (add your own to suit).
file_dump is where everything else goes. Tries to go.... If record.rec_headers.get_header('WARC-Target-URI') results in a bad filename (length, characters etc) then the file doesn't get written, this is logged on screen.