MonkeyAssist is a demo ticket support ticketing system built with love using Laravel, Livewire and TailwindCSS.
- Git clone the repo
- Rename the .env.example to .env and change the variables to match your server
- On your shell install the app's dependencies via composer:
composer install
- Install node packages and dependencies
npm install
- Generate application encryption key
php artisan key:generate
- Migrate the tables
php artisan migrate
- Seed the database with dummy data and a default admin.
php artisan db:seed
Credentials for the admin are: email: password: password
- Compile the front-end
- If you're on a development server, you can run:
npm run dev
- If you want to compile for productiom, you can use:
npm run build
- The system also use queues to send email at some point. You can run the queue worker with:
php artisan queue:work
- Finally, serve your application
php artisan serve