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Repository files navigation is a non-profit, cooperative platform for funding Free/Libre/Open (FLO) works. Using a many-to-many matching pledge, we aim to empower the global community to better promote freedom-respecting projects of all sorts.

For the basic idea, see our illustrated introduction.

Other pages on the site explain our mission and include discussion and research on issues like the economics of FLO projects, the incentives behind donations, and how our model departs from that of the other 600+ donation-style crowdfunding sites.

As a work in progress, we are still clarifying the details and adjusting our presentation.


Our how-to-help page includes further notes about the site and info about volunteering (including in non-programming ways). We also have an in-progress, self-hosted ticket system. is built in Haskell using the Yesod web framework, but even if you don't know any Haskell, you may still put your HTML/CSS/Javascript skills to work! We welcome contributions from developers of all skill levels.

Whatever your background, we're happy to answer questions or get any comments. Hop on #snowdrift on, and say hello!

Essential build instructions

Note: our code is mirrored at GitHub (which is popular but proprietary) and Gitorious (which is FLO, licensed AGPL, but less popular).

We have a full guide to our code with step-by-step instructions that even a true beginner can follow. It also contains links for learning Haskell, comments about our development methods, and more.

For those experienced with Git, Haskell, PostgreSQL, and perhaps even Yesod, here's a quick-and-dirty init script:

// Install any dependencies you don't have:
// GHC **7.8.2**, cabal, PostgreSQL, zlib1g-dev, libpq-dev, happy, alex, llvm
// update cabal, set PATH, etc. — see for more detailed instructions

// Fork, clone and install
git clone [your remote address, e.g.]
cd snowdrift
cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests
cp config/postgresql.template config/postgresql.yml

// Set up the database
sudo -u postgres createuser -S -D -R snowdrift_development
sudo -u postgres createdb snowdrift_development
sudo -u postgres createuser -S -d -R snowdrift_test
sudo -u postgres createdb snowdrift_test_template
sudo -u postgres psql
// use whatever passphrase you prefer instead of YOURPASSPHRASE
postgres=# alter user snowdrift_development with encrypted password 'YOURPASSPHRASE'; 
postgres=# alter user snowdrift_test with encrypted password 'YOURPASSPHRASE';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database snowdrift_development to snowdrift_development;
postgres=# update pg_database set datistemplate=true where datname='snowdrift_test_template';
vi config/postgresql.yml // set 'password' to 'YOURPASSPHRASE', same as you chose above
sudo -u postgres psql snowdrift_development <devDB.sql
sudo -u postgres psql snowdrift_test_template <testDB.sql

// Hack away
cabal install yesod-bin
yesod devel


Infrastructure for







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  • JavaScript 53.9%
  • Haskell 46.1%