This is a simple one page app showing how to publish custom actions using the Facebook JS SDK.
This app is based on the Recipe of the Day app in the Facebook Example Gallery
Before running the code, create a Facebook application.
Make sure that you've created the following objects and actions, using the Open Graph tab under your application in the Developer App:
Action: Cook
- Cook is an action that is connected to a Recipe
Object: Recipe
Once you have taken these steps, edit lavacake.html these variables and upload the pages to the hosting server: YOUR_APP_ID, YOUR_NAMESPACE, YOUR_URL
If you encounter any problems you can use the Debug Tool under Related links to make sure you've set up the objects correctly by entering the url of the Open Graph pages.
- The quickest way to setup your actions and objects is as follows:
- Under Open Graph, click on "Getting Started"
- Specify - People can [cook] a [recipe] - then complete the wizard without changing anything. This will create a Cook action and a Recipe object and link them together.