- As a user, I want an equipment who any healty person can set up
- The equipment should cost less than 26,500 NOK per piece
- The equipment should handle any weather conditions (-20°C - 50°C)
- The equipment should detect when a human passes by
- The equipment should detect from which way the human passes by
- A user can fetch information from the equipment by web
- A user can fetch information from the equipment wirelessly to a nearby smartphone
- Show how many humans use specific hiking path where there are several inputs and exits
- Infrared distance sensor https://www.adafruit.com/product/164
- PIR sensor https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4063065/
- Wifi signal https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7536315/
- Load cell https://www.hackster.io/MOHAN_CHANDALURU/hx711-load-cell-amplifier-interface-with-arduino-fa47f3
Sell concept "visitor management"
Use Þingvellir as beginning customer, unesco and þjóðgarður
4 m range
distinguish people walking cycling driving