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React Flexy Box

React flexy box is a simple to use flexbox system for your React project based on the original flexybox library

If you've used the bootstrap layout system, then react-flexybox should be relatively familiar.

  • Straight forward and familiar API for controlling your layout
  • built with styled-components - no css/scss means no need to add special loaders/config
  • based off actual uses cases in production apps

Live Demo

Browser Support

"Chrome >= 48",
"Firefox >= 44",
"Firefox ESR",
"Safari >= 9.1",
"Edge >= 12",
"ios_saf >= 9.3",
"ie 11"


dependencies: react 15+, styled-components 3+

npm install react-flexybox styled-components


yarn add react-flexy-box styled-components


<Container />

Optional wrapper

prop type values default description
fluid boolean false true: sets content to 100% of page width | false: sets a max-width for content
className string set the className on the Container Element
style object set the style on the Container Element
component function | string div The component to render the Container as


Row wraps Cols

prop type values default description
gutter number 0
columnDivision integer 12 allows columns divisions to be overidden (i.e. 24 = smaller columns than 12)
minColWidths number override the minWidth for all Cols within the Row
wrap string nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse wrap whether flex items should wrap when the window is resized
direction string row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse row
justifyContent string flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly flex-start justityContent aligns the items inside a flex container along the x axis
alignContent string flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch stretch alignContent aligns the whole structure according to its value and has no effect when items are in a single line
alignItems string flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | stretch | baseline stretch alignItems aligns the items inside a flex container along the y axis just like justifyContent does along the x axis
className string set the className on the Row Element
style object set the style on the Row Element
debug boolean false adds bounding boxes to help debug layout issues
height string allows setting the Row height e.g. height="100px"
component function | string div The component to render the Row as
center boolean false shortcut to center child Col items horizontally and vertically
fill boolean false shortcut that sets Row to height: 100% - (overrides 'height')
padding string 0 sets padding on Row
paddingTop string 0 sets padding-top on Row
paddingLeft string 0 sets padding-left on Row
paddingBottom string 0 sets padding-bottom Row
paddingRight string 0 sets padding-right on Row
  • <Row gutter={4} minColWidth={100}> sets child Col flex items to margin of 4px and all min-widths to 100px within Row
  • <Row justifyContext="center"> center justifies child Col flex items horizontally within the Row
  • <Row justifyContext="center" alignItems="center" > center justifies child Col flex items horizontally and vertically within the Row


Flex Items

prop type values default description
order integer 0 set the order of flex items
alignSelf string auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch auto center the alignments for one of the items inside a flexible element
flex boolean | number false | 1-12 sets the default flex size
xs number 1-12 0 - 599px
sm number 1-12 600 - 959px
md number 1-12 960px - 1280px
lg number 1-12 1280px or greater
className string set the className on the Col Element
style object set the style on the Col Element
component function | string div The component to render the Col as
  • <Col flex={6}> sets the default flex size
  • <Col flex> sets the item to auto stretch
  • <Col flex={6} xs={12}> xs (xs, sm, md, or lg) used togther with flex - you can easily set a default flex size for any size other than the xs breakpoint
  • <Col flex={6} order={2}> ... <Col flex={6} order={1}> The last Col will be ordered as first
  • values for flex ranges are dependent on columnDivisions

Basic Usage

import { Container, Row, Col } from 'react-flexybox';

UMD Usage

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

// ES6
const {
} = ReactFlexyBox;

//ES Old School
var Container = ReactFlexyBox.Container;
var Row = ReactFlexyBox.Row;
var Col = ReactFlexyBox.Col;

Supported Browsers

react-flexybox is supports on browsers that support flex. It will be up to you to set your autoprefixing appropriatly especially if you use IE 11

Supported Browsers


  • npm install yarn jest -g
  • yarn build-all to generate dist
  • yarn build-demo to generate/update demo


  • yarn build - produces production version of your library under the dist folder
  • yarn build-all - produces production & dev version of your library under the dist folder
  • yarn dev - produces development version of react-flexybox and runs a watcher
  • yarn test - runs the tests
  • yarn test:watch - same as above but in a watch mode
  • yarn demo:build - builds the demo

Built with react-flexybox
