Tower defense (TD) is a subgenre of strategy video game where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack. In JS TD, there will be a path on which enemies will run and and towers will be placed along the path to defeat the enemies. Each wave of enemies will increase in difficulty to defeat.
Functionality & MVP In JS TD, users will be able to:
- Click and drag towers to positions on the canvas
- Upgrade towers attributes depending on users available money
- Unlock different towers with different abilities depending users available money
In addition, this project will include: A production README
This app will consist of a single screen with game board and game controls. Game controls will include Start button, Tower/Upgrade panel, and User resources pane.
Architecture and Technologies
JavaScript for game logic, Canvas API for effects rendering,
Implementation Timeline:
Day 1: Complete proposal. Create Git Repo. Implement Canvas API.
Day 2: Work on game logic
Day 3: Complete game logic
Day 4: Install the controls for the user to interact with the game. Style the frontend, making it polished and professional.