Reactive Extensions for Android SharedPreferences.
There are two ways to use this library.
Use as a decoration and then inject RxPrefs to other components
val rxPrefs = RxPrefs(sharedPreference)
Or use as an extension
val rxPrefs = sharedPreference.rx
Notice that extension is only an alias for first approach but you will get same result because library uses on SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener
RxPrefs mimics SharedPreferences interface therefore you will find similiar methods as in normal shared preferences.
All methods return Observable<TYPE>
where TYPE is one of allowed types.
rxPrefs.string(key: String, default: String) String, default: Int)
rxPrefs.stringSet(key: String, default: Set<String>)
rxPrefs.long(key: String, default: Long)
rxPrefs.float(key: String, default: Float)
rxPrefs.boolean(key: String, default: Boolean)
As in original shared preferences string
and stringSet
can return null as default value.
rxPrefs.string(key: String)
rxPrefs.stringSet(key: String)
RxJava does not allow nulls so this Observable will return event Changed
that stores value inside.
If you want to read custom values from preferences you can use your own listener:
rxPrefs.custom(publisher: OnPrefsChangedPublisher<T>)
Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } }
Add the dependency
dependencies { implementation 'com.github.jblejder:rxprefs:0.1' }