RESTful Clojure with Dropwizard
Eventually, I'd like this project to provide a quick way to write REST services using ideomatic Clojure with the Dropwizard framework. Right now, it just shows that it is possible.
This code currently implements the HelloWorldService as described in . There are a few changes:
- the YAML config contains a single dictionary to fit in Clojure's model of only providing 1 state variable per generated class.
- There is no Saying class, using a map is simplier and more ideomatic.
Compiling heion requires a patch to the clojure compiler, available at . It enables parameterized generic superclasses, which Dropwizard uses via reflection during setup.
So after you dowload, build, and mvn install:install-file
the patched version of Clojure, you can
compile and run heion.
lein compile
lein run server resources/hello-world.yml
# browse to http://localhost:8080/hello-world
Copyright (C) 2012 Jim Blomo
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.