Mobile app for EECS 441 by Brian Ford, Jon Budzenski, and Madi Sergazin.
Node.js and npm.
Fork this repo, and the following three:
Then clone the following repos, replacing btford
with your user name:
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
npm link
client, server, and android:
cd hitch-a-ride-client && npm link
cd ../
cd hitch-a-ride-server && npm link hitch-a-ride-client && npm link
cd ../
cd hitch-a-ride-android && npm link hitch-a-ride-client && npm link
cd ../
cd hitch-a-ride && npm link hitch-a-ride-server && npm link hitch-a-ride-android
Now changes you make in each repo will be reflected in all of the repos that depend on it.