Plugin for pytest to mark tests as integration or slow integration.
Integration tests are run after normal tests (unit tests) and slow integration tests are run after (quick) integration tests.
If a unit test fails, (quick) integration and slow integration tests are not run.
If a (quick) integration tests fails, slow integration tests are not run.
If you have also installed pytest-cov, then code coverage is disabled for all integration tests, since unit tests are supposed to cover all the code.
Marks this test as a (quick) integration test@pytest.mark.slow_integration_test
Marks this test as a slow integration test
Run (quick) integration tests (default)--with-slow-integration
Run slow integration tests (default)--integration-cover
Let integration tests contribute to coverage
options also have a without
See the example directory. Examples of how to run are in the Makefile.
- When running under xdist, each node will pick tests based on an index. That means that nodes that receive only unit tests that pass, will continue to run (slow) integration tests, even if another node receives a unit test that fails.