See for full documentation.
This module builds, packages and tests the Nuxeo products.
Building Nuxeo products requires the following tools:
- JDK 6 (Java Sun recommended)
- Apache Maven 2.2.1
- Apache Ant 1.7.1+
- Open Source tools that will be downloaded by Maven when needed.
Java and Maven are at the lowest level, all configuration about building a module is given in the Maven POM file. So, everything can be built using Maven but it requires some knowledge about Nuxeo and its packagings.
Maven usage: mvn clean package [-P<comma separated profiles>]
(default) Building all Nuxeo products and their alternatives:
mvn clean package mvn clean package -Pall-distributions
All JBoss packages:
mvn clean package -Pjboss
All Tomcat packages:
mvn clean package -Ptomcat
Ant is available at the top level: Ant targets have been defined to provide user-friendly commands for most used build cases.
Ant usage: ant distrib [-Ddistrib=profile]
ant distrib
ant distrib -Ddistrib=nuxeo-dm
ant distrib -Ddistrib=tomcat
- nuxeo-coreserver, nuxeo-cap, nuxeo-dm, nuxeo-dam, ...: build the corresponding application/module
- tomcat: build the corresponding server
- all-distributions: full build
- itest: run integration tests
- ftest-dm, ftest-dam, ftest-sc, ...: run functional tests against the corresponding application/module
- fltest-dm: run functional Funkload tests against DM
- sdk: build SDK distributions for use in Nuxeo IDE
- nuxeo-distribution-cap: Content Application Platform NXR
- nuxeo-distribution-tomcat-wizard-tests: WebDriver tests for Tomcat wizard
- nuxeo-distribution-coreserver: CoreServer NXR
- nuxeo-distribution-dm: Document Management NXR
- ftest/cmis: CMIS tests for DM
- ftest/funkload: Funkload tests for DM
- ftest/selenium: Selenium tests for DM
- ftest/webdriver: WebDriver tests for DM
- nuxeo-distribution-resources: Resources archives used in other packagings (doc, binaries, templates).
- nuxeo-distribution-social-collaboration: Social Collaboration NXR
- ftest/selenium: Selenium tests for SC
- nuxeo-distribution-tests: Helper POM with Nuxeo test dependencies
- nuxeo-distribution-tomcat: Tomcat distributions
- nuxeo-functional-tests: Framework for testing nuxeo distributions
- nuxeo-launcher: Control Panel and launcher
- nuxeo-marketplace-dam: Marketplace package of DAM
- ftest/webdriver: WebDriver tests for DAM
- nuxeo-marketplace-dm: Marketplace package of DM
- nuxeo-marketplace-social-collaboration: Marketplace package of Social Collaboration
- nuxeo-startup-wizard: Startup Wizard WebApp
- NXR packages
- Content Application Platform (CAP)
- Advanced Document Management (DM)
- Digital Assets Management (DAM)
- Social Collaboration
- Marketplace packages
- Tomcat packages
Profiles are mainly used to manage the list of classifiers being generated. Maven plugins rely by default on a such mechanism for creating tests, sources and javadoc jars. It is usable also for any other specific builds (OS, JDK, env, packaging, ...). It's widely used by a lot of third-parties (google gwt, json, shindings, ...). Think about "classifiers" as "qualifiers" (sources, javadoc, tests, linux, windows, mac, jta, all, ...). For example, the following are two alternatives ("classifiers") for the package ("artifact") named "nuxeo-distribution-tomcat":
Some profiles are used to choose the product to build. Other profiles are used to choose which alternatives (classifiers) of the product will be built. Multiple profiles can be used simultaneously. Here are some common profiles and their impact on build result:
- all-distributions: build everything except the Windows installer
- all: build all classifiers for the called module(s)
- nuxeo-cap: build only Nuxeo CAP classifier (if JBoss module, so build only JBoss with Nuxeo CAP)
- nuxeo-dm: same as nuxeo-cap but with Nuxeo DM
- shell: package a Nuxeo Shell
- jboss: package a Nuxeo within JBoss
Here are some usage examples (ran from nuxeo-distribution):
- (default) Building Nuxeo CAP, nuxeo DM with VCS, JBoss with Nuxeo DM on VCS o mvn clean install o mvn clean install -Pjboss,nuxeo-dm,vcs
- Building all Nuxeo DM alternatives o mvn clean install -Pnuxeo-dm,all
- Building all JBoss packagings o mvn clean install -Pjboss,all
- Building all Nuxeo products and their alternatives o mvn clean install -Pall-distributions
Note: because of a Maven bug making things crazy when two classifiers of an artifact are not deployed at the same time (i.e. if you deploy only nuxeo-cap classifier of nuxeo-distribution-jboss, then nuxeo-dm classifier becomes unreachable from local and remote Maven repositories). That means when you want to "deploy" (Maven remote deployment) or "install" (Maven local deployment) a module, you must use "all" profile.
When you need only one classifier, for any other purpose than install/deploy to m2 repository, then you can use the dedicated profiles.
A minimal server NXR. An embedded repository will be started. No other platform services are available.
This application can be used to debug, test or develop nuxeo components that need a repository connection.
Remoting will be also available in the future via Nuxeo Runtime.
Built NXR is in nuxeo-distribution-coreserver/target/
It is available within Tomcat in nuxeo-distribution-tomcat/target/
Basic document management features.
Built NXR is in nuxeo-distribution-cap/target/
This is the default available application in nuxeo-distribution-tomcat/target/
Advanced document management features.
Built NXR is in nuxeo-distribution-dm/target/
It is installable in the default available application in nuxeo-distribution-tomcat/target/
when running the wizard and selecting DM (for users), or by activating the "nuxeo-dm" preset (for developers).
Multimedia document collection management features.
Based on the addon
Built NXR is in nuxeo-distribution-dam/target/
It is installable in the default available application in nuxeo-distribution-tomcat/target/
when running the wizard and selecting DAM (for users), or by activating the "nuxeo-dam" preset (for developers).
Social network features (social workspaces, user relationships, mini-messages, user activity stream, ...).
Based on the addon
Built NXR is in nuxeo-distribution-social-collaboration/target/
It is installable in the default available application in nuxeo-distribution-tomcat/target/
when running the wizard and selecting SC (for users), or by activating the "nuxeo-sc" preset (for developers).
There are a lot of other useful addons (see and applications available from the Nuxeo Marketplace.
Addons are manually built and deployed on the target server.
Marketplace applications are installable from the Admin Center within the Nuxeo server.
It is of course possible to create custom builds/assemblies.
For historical reasons, there are multiple technologies used for packaging in nuxeo-distribution project (maven-assembly-plugin, maven-nuxeo-plugin, maven-antrun-extended-plugin, nuxeo-distribution-tools).
They are all based on Maven principles with the objectives to avoid duplication, ease maintenance and upgrade, rely on Maven artifacts, be OS independent.
We recommend to use our newest tool nuxeo-distribution-tools.
Execution of the assembly may be done from Maven execution as a Maven plugin, from command line or from Ant.
Based on Ant syntax, it provides access to major Maven concepts and Ant flexibility.
Principles of an assembly are generally to:
- inherit a Maven dependency tree (list of artifacts to retrieve)
- use this dependency tree to dispatch artifacts into directories
- download complementary artifacts (default packaging, resources, drivers, ...)
- download an empty server (JBoss, Jetty, Tomcat, ...)
- assemble all those parts into a runnable product.
See the chosen tool documentation for more details.