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Minimal example for using RabbitMQ with Stomp and JWT for auth (Oauth2 plugin).


Version 3.8 is required when using Oauth2 auth backend. The web stomp and oauth2 plugins can be enabled like this:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_web_stomp rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2

The oauth2 plugin needs to be configured using advanced.config:

    %% Enable rabbit_auth_backend_oauth2
    {rabbit, [
        {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_oauth2, rabbit_auth_backend_internal]}

    %% Set a resource server ID. Will require all scopes to be prefixed with `rabbitmq.`
    {rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2, [
        {resource_server_id, <<"rabbitmq">>},
        % Set up a legacy signing key
        {key_config, [
            {default_key, <<"legacy-token-key">>},
            {signing_keys, #{
                <<"legacy-token-key">> =>
                    {map, #{
                        <<"alg">> => <<"HS256">>,
                        <<"value">> => <<"secr3t">>,
                        <<"kty">> => <<"MAC">>,
                        <<"use">> => <<"sig">>}
            } %% signing keys
        ]} % key_config
    ]} % rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2

Auth server

A spring-boot app that generates JWTs to authorize connections. This is an example of a decoded token:


  "kid": "legacy-token-key",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "HS256"


  "aud": "rabbitmq",
  "scope": [
  "exp": 1605634613

Some considerations:

  • kid must match the signing_key name or not be present.
  • aud must always be present and match the resource_server_id or be empty.
  • scope follows a specific format, see links for reference.
  • A symmetric signing key was used for simplicity, RSA is recommended.


A simple chat application fetches the token and uses stomp.js to connect to the broker.

Fetches the token from the spring-boot app and then uses it to connect:

$.get("http://localhost:8080/auth/token", function(token) {

function startConnection(token) {
  const stompConfig = {
    // Connect to / vhost using token
    connectHeaders: {
      host: "/",
      login: "token", // username is ignored
      passcode: token
    }, ...



To run the application follow these steps:

  • Build rabbitmq docker image

    docker build -f Dockerfile.rabbitmq . -t rabbitmq-stomp-jwt
  • Run rabbitmq

    docker-compose up
  • Run Spring application

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run
  • Open two tabs: http://localhost:8080/

  • Chat with yourself.