In this repo you’ll find short lab guides to get you started learning the awesomeness of Ansible and a guide for advanced Tower usage. The actual lab environments we use are not documented here but are pretty straight forward. I mean Ansible is all about being simple… ;-)
Okay, apart from the advanced Tower lab… anyway.
Currently the following labs are available:
The lab environment is build on 4 VMs (all RHEL 7):
-, for running Ansible Engine
host{1,2}, the managed nodes
-, for installing Ansible Tower
The .adoc
files can be compiled to html ot other consumable formats via Asciidoctor . The command to generate html output is for example:
$ asciidoctor ansible-engine.adoc
PDFs can be generated with the appropriate command:
$ asciidoctor-pdf ansible-engine.adoc
The lab description is done in AsciiDoc. If you want to contribute, check out the AsciiDoc quick reference. We welcome pull requests.
We also have a styleguide for contributors.