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Currently, only Linux is supported by me.  You can try to run Kajammer on OS X or Windows, but I have not tested those platforms, and I don't really plan to.  The only Linux specific thing I use is the unistd.h header, which is part of GNU, and I use it for my Cli interface.  So I don't see why it wouldn't run on OS X or Windows, just don't bet on it.
See INSTALL for dependencies.
cmake is required to build kajammer

To build:
- Change directory to where you downloaded KaJammer
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- Use the command kajammer to run

If you are using git:
    To switch to the unstable branch:
    1.  Check out the current branches:
        git branch -r
    2.  Switch to the desired branch:
        git checkout -b yourBranchName -t origin/myRemoteBranch
        Where yourBranchName is anything you want, and myRemoteBranch is the name of the remote branch.

Check out kajamtag.
Kajamtag is an MP3/Ogg tag reader written in C (by me)
I never really liked Phonon's tag reading capabilities, so I wrote my own.

Get kajamtag:
    If you are using kajammer from git:
    If you are using a release version of kajammer:

Just run ./configure, make and make install on kajamtag
and reinstall kajammer.  Make sure you rerun ./configure 

Credit for the icon goes to a friend of mine that goes by the name of Mar.


Open Source Music Player based on the Qt toolkit







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