Utilities to copy data to and from the data server through python using rclone. Run custom pipelines from defined data locations.
labdata clean_local -w 4
Deletes all data from the local directory that is the same on the remote and is older than 4 weeks.
labdata clean_local -n
Skips the checksum, compares only filesize.
labdata clean_local JC027
Deletes all data from a specific subject.
labdata sessions JC027 -f suite2p two_photon
This takes a while if you don't specify subjects because it queries all files in the remote.
You can also list multiple subjects:
labdata sessions JC027 JC066 JC065 -f suite2p two_photon
Use the --files
flag to list also the files.
labdata get JC027 -i "*.mat"
Or for datafiles with a specific name:
labdata get cy11 -i "*TheMudSkipper2*.mat"
labdata get JC027 -s 20220220_000000 20220221_000000
labdata subjects
labdata upload
labdata upload JC066 -s 20220126_172829
Look at the examples
To list the available commands: labdata --help
Clone the repository to a folder in your computer and do:
python setup.py install
or develop
to if you plan modifying the code.
If you would like to use labdatatools on the UCLA cluster (Hoffman2), please see HOFFMAN_SETUP.md for instructions.
To run suite2p on Hoffman2 run:
labdata submit suite2p --queue highp --module anaconda3 --conda-env suite2p -a JC081 -s 20220526_201159 --no-upload -- --file-filter JC081_20220526_201159_000_000