This project contains a React Front End, and Serverless Backend API to provide solutions for the classic Diehard 3 water jugs problem.
- Runs on AWS S3 and API Gateway/Lambda - no "server" required
- Stores data in DynamoDB (for demonstration purposes)
- Supports numbers up to 2 decimal places
This project uses yarn as the package manager. Install yarn if not installed:
npm install --global yarn
From project root:
Install dependencies for the React app (frontend):
cd ./front
Install dependencies for the Serverless service (backend):
cd ../serverless
serverless dynamodb install
With the serverless-dynamodb-local plugin, this project can run a local instance of DynamoDB and Lambda functions for local development.
From project root:
yarn start
This will start serverless offline, providing a local API, and the React frontend. This should automatically open http://localhost:3006/ in a browser.
Deploying will create or update the Lambda GET and DELETE functions defined in ./serverless/serverless.yml and set up the DynamoDB table in your AWS account.
Go into the serverless folder and run the deploy command:
cd ./serverless
serverless deploy
When you run the deploy command, it will give you the GET and DELETE function endpoints. Example output:
Deploying solutions to stage dev (us-east-1)
✔ Service deployed to stack solutions-dev (104s)
GET -{id}
get: solutions-dev-get (75 MB)
delete: solutions-dev-delete (75 MB)
In ./front/src/App.js, on line 9, replace the BASE_URL with the GET endpoint minus the variable "{id}" at the end of the URL.