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Version Archive

jdc20181 edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 12 revisions



Some links may be broken, so don't count on the links working. This is for archiving purposes only.

Version 2.3.2


Version 2.3.2 has been released and is ready for download!

Extra Notes:

  • Final Fall Release

  • Last release until LATE December

  • Final V2.3 Release!

  • Highly focused on EasyNotes, and improving performance of other utilities.

Feature List

  • Task Manager Changes

    • Adding CPU and Memory usage counters
    • Read Only viewing of process list.
    • Bandwidth Test using SpeedTest API (from my SpeedTest project - Early Beta)
  • EasyNotes New Features

    • Autosave, Saves with random name "DocumentRandomString" You can always rename it
    • Autosave saves every, 3 mins. (See below for the change) - Initial Autosave is in the first 60 seconds.
    • Don't want Autosave? Thats fine! There will be a setting, enabled by default, but you can turn it off anytime!
    • The menustrip is currently undergoing some changes to reflect your settings e.g. darkmode, during this process, for now you will be using the defaults upon hovers. Upon clicking it will blend with the theme settings.
    • Additional issues are being addressed.
    • Accuracy improvments with WordCount.
    • Added Status Strip
    • Added Character Count
    • Moved wordcount to Status strip at the bottom!
    • Adding more Icons (Will resolve designer issues!)
    • Password protection cancelled. Protection will be Retired in V2.3.2 - Plans for it to return later on with improvements.
    • Added Setting to change Auto-Save intervals, Min is 3 mins, Max interval is 10 mins. (You can not change the initial Autosave time its automatic)
  • Multiple Monitors Handling is in Development. ✔️

    • Self-Resolved with a previous release, as it turns out, centering the form on start up resolves this, if you have an issue with any forms still not being center open an issue. ✔️
  • Screenshot Updates

    • Screenshots will autosave with .Png Extension
    • Screenshots save to BeffsEasyCapture Folder, in your pictures.
  • Start-Page under the hood updates

    • Updates and fixes.
  • Auto-Fill (In Development - Due Febuary release at latest)

  • Browser ShortCuts

    • Added Alt+A for Selecting all text in URL box
    • Added Ctrl+C for Copying selected Text in URL Box
    • Added Ctrl+N for Pasting and navigating text in URL box, this will, either search or navigate to a website.
    • Added ctrl+V for pasting, only.
    • Added ctrl+del for removing selected text from URL box.
    • See all the Shortcuts here
  • Addressing an issue with URL Texts always going to lowercase, resulting in errors such as Error 404 pages.

    • Removing any code that forces the text to lowercase until a solution is found this of course will need to be examined, and tested before performed.
  • Bug: Search Engine settings

    • A bug related to search engine settings has been resolved.
  • Optimizing Resources

    • Reducing the number of images that is compiled reducing the Application size.
    • Fixing TickBoxes to use a reduced Size image, rather than a non-blended color.
  • Help Center Updates

    • Updating UI
    • Adding New Help Guide with common issues and ways to resolve.
    • Adding Safe-Restore, resetting BeffsBrowser to defaults with select settings and data, to resolve common issues.
    • Note: This was not meant to be released yet, but it was completed before the release, so I went ahead and kept it, use at your own risk as it may not be stable.

Version 2.3.1

Patch Notes

Version 2.3.1 has been released!

Version 2.3.1 features many new improvements, and fixes that have seem to fall down the to-do list. This release is scheduled for sometime in November. There is plenty more to do for this release, so keep coming back often for more!

Feature Log:

  • UI Clean up, some reconfigurating and clutter reduction.

  • Additional updates to Multiple monitor issues.

  • Adding some touch ups to Private Browsing (since it was just released there is still work to be done!)

  • Fixed a issue with private browsing not opening up as a full window

  • Addressed some Design bugs (Sometimes things are forgotten about 😜 )

  • Addressing issues with downloading files 👀 We may have hit a roadbump!

    • Downloading files is still a issue that is not resolved
  • Addressing possible Speed issues 🐢

    • Added some fixes to tackle this
  • URL Box fixes

    • Adding functions to get the current webaddress of selected tab, no matter when you select it or navigate. It should've changed a long time ago!
  • Testing out Search or Navigate, all in one - So why are we still using 2 buttons again?

    • Successfully completed this task!
    • Fixed a issue with the new mechanics, where more than one word (like with space) would trigger an exception, it now checks for whitespace. (and has the old method for backup checks)
  • Updating Private Browsing Mode, adding some fixes.

    • You can now search in Private Browsing mode
    • Searching in private browsing should remain private, with SecureSearch - when enabled it will search using DuckDuckGo without interfering with main browser settings, this of course can be disabled in settings. (Not reccomended though!)
    • Custom Designs will remain in Private browsing, some adjustments are being made to tell the two apart.
    • Private Browsing is out of Beta, and named "Private Browse"
    • Added Context Menu
  • Updates Center

    • Fixed issues with Update Center
    • A New System has been implemented, things like download progress will be added in the future.
    • Added a few more fixes.
  • EasyNotes

    • Opened back up (Sorry for the long delay - wasn't on the priority list)
    • Updating UI - 55% Completed
    • Adding seamless Menu bars. - Complete
    • Updating Icons - 95% completed
    • Removing SpellCheck Completely
  • Made Un-moveable forms moveable again

    • Added the neccessary code to make them moveable, this was on some forms in the last update, now majority has it.
  • Smoothed out License Page

    • Changed components used on this form
    • Made the form borderless w/ a new close button (Why do you need it in max/min mode anyways?)
    • Added Attribution compliance for all icons (Linked to a wiki page with that information inside of a closed browser-Window)
    • Matched color scheme of other forms, made it easier to read.
  • Fixed: StartPage Settings section

    • Fixed background
    • buttons, labels, and textboxes are flat.
    • Textboxes have a hover animation to make it easier to see to type. It goes back to hiding when you are done though 👀
    • Close only, why do you need to minimize? - Get what needs to be done save and close!
    • Shweeew You can move the form now, sorry about that 😁
  • UI Updates

    • There is new icons coming.
    • Added UI Fixes
    • Max/Min buttons Changed, removing icons.
  • EasyNotes: Settings

    • Introducing settings for EasyNotes accessible from EasyNotes, and Settings panel.
    • Introducing Dark Mode, find this option in Settings.
    • More settings are coming soon.
  • TaskManager Beta Updates

    • Complete UI overhaul
    • Improvments
    • Taskmanager is changing in Version 2.3.2
  • Number Rounder updates.

    • UI updates
    • Minor fixes
  • Utilities Panel UI Updates

  • Other MISC this/that bug fixes and improvments.(Too many to list)

  • Calculator

    • Bug Fixes 😅 You probably wanna minimize, and close the form right? Whoopsie...
    • Improvments with adjusted font size. 👀 It was getting hard to see without straining!
    • Changed Multiplication symbol from "*" to "X" for a better experience.
    • Added Square Root Calculating (Seperate Panel)
    • You can now drag the form!
    • Number Rounder is launchable from Calculator, and removed from the Utilities Panel. - This is to keep things simplified and easy to find.
    • You can now Copy Results to your clipboard
  • Navigation Panel Updates

    • Increased URL Box size.
    • Made a Hover event to expand the URLbox for longer urls. Goes back to default size on leave.
    • Bug Fix cutting text doesn't copy to the clipboard anymore, which is the expected behavior!
    • Context Menu Update: Paste and go now automatically uses the new search or navigate mechanism to auto detect if its a valid url and complete the proper operation.
  • Favorites & History Updates

    • UI Fixes
    • Added handling for No items, so if you don't have favorites or History you won't see a blank blue screen instead it has a label saying there is nothing!

Version 2.3.0

Final Version 2.3 Notes

All things listed are final, and completed pretty well. A patch release will be released sometime in November to patch things up a bit and add more fixes.

Whats in this release?

This release will be focused on Private Browsing and optomizing performance. As well as Feature updates and under the hood mechanics that will make BB more stable.

Some plans:

  • Add Private Browsing Shortcuts

  • Add Better design to Private Browsing.

  • Fix more bugs.

  • Design Settings

  • Improvements to Update Panel/Update System.

  • Design/Layout Changes

  • Simplified Updating mechanism

  • Archiving/depreciation of arcade

  • Auto-Saving Settings Beta (see below for important details)

  • Added 2 new Search engine options

    • Duck Duck Go (Search with Privacy)
    • Yahoo Search (Search.Yahoo.Com)
  • Splash Screen Removal (see below)

  • Adjustments to Private Browsing

    • Fullscreen will go to maxamized window upon Exiting out of FS Mode instead of a small window.
  • Start Page Design adjustments

  • Tweaks to Tab Warning dialog.

    • Will be adding this to private browsing also.
  • Updates to Restore mechanism.

    • Addressing a bug with first time installers having massive amounts of tabs opening (Bug is fixed with the addition of the new paremeters)
    • Adding a Enable/Disable setting - Enabled by default.
    • Updating the paremeters to only save if there is 2 or more tabs. Major Change
    • Restore will only work if you have 2+ tabs, however - it will not work if you have a large number, like somewhere around 120+ More details on this will be released soon.
  • Bug Fix - Borderless Forms don't like to move around, so I tweaked it with a under the hood component that allows it to be moved around, this was especially needed for developers with multi-monitor setups. (see below)

  • Last moment design improvement, updated history panel with dynamic background (the list is now the same as the background instead of white!)

Installer Based Issues

  • Bug Fix (in progress)- Some users reported issues with Application Data files installing, resulting in warnings. This issue is being investigated.

  • Issue with Uninstaller - BeffsBrowser doesn't appear in Apps & Programs.

  • Issue with some Data not being uninstalled.

Details on Updates

Design settings BETA

In version 2.2, the URL box design was changed. In this next update, you will be able to set some custom settings for the design and appearance of BeffsBrowser.

The design controls are going to be pretty simple, however, eventually they will become more and more advance with updates. At this time only a few things are planned to be customized and more details will be given soon!

Changes to Settings Panel Part 2

Part 1 was launched with Version 2.2, Version 2.3 will have improvments ,finishing touches on the new design, and new layout configuring.

Depreciation of Arcade, shifting focus to utilities, and extending BB

Over the last few releases, I have focused mainly on the browser component and the whole shell of BB, and other misc under the hood components as well as some designer things, the focus will now shift on improving bb, and a more effecient useful browser is what everyone wants.

To achieve this officially as of 2.3, arcade will no longer be accessible.

Arcade has seen better days, and the legacy it has had on BB will not be forgotten.

Settings Auto-Saving Beta

Settings will begin Auto saving over the next few releases, in 2.3 your search provider settings will be autosaved. Eventually everything in Settings will be autosaved.

During the beta period, please be advised not to overuse settings, changing constantly within a small amount of time, it could produce unwanted results.

All new settings will be auto-Saved. Old Settings during the beta testing stage will remain as they are, but will begin transitioning.

Removal of Splash Screen

The Splash screen will be successfully removed Temp. during the 2.3 release. During this period, it will be determined whether to keep it. Many other browsers do not have such splash screens.

Fixes to Borderless Forms - Making them moveable again

Fixed! I fixed the small glitch, seems to be caused by the background image, easily fixed. You must click the border to drag it, you may have had a easier experience with a bordered form, however, you can click up to the middle of the form to drag it, just can't click in the middle, it will not move.

Version 2.2 Release Notes

New Features

  • BrowserRestore Beta, currently in development, and announced in last releases notes.

    • Completed, the Browser Restore Viewer will not happen. Each Session is removed after it is restored.
  • More control over Tabs, introducing first, Close All Tabs to the right.

    • Use the context menu by right clicking the head of a tab.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Tab Heading Bug

    • Additional fixes were added for this bug.
  • Addressed Printing Bug

    • Added printing support
    • Printing requires JS to be enabled
  • Addressing issues with REcapache for reporting bugs.


  • Changes in design to URL box - Take a look at 2.3 notes for additional future changes

  • Optomizing Misc Panels, When you close a panel the main panel will appear.

    • Closing the start up panel will now close the application.
  • Updating Private Browsing Mode

    • Uses Private Browsing settings
    • Overlap of the tabs will be solved with a tab control.
    • Tabs were added
    • Dynmaic loading was added
    • Removed Settings - Not compatible with Gecko.
    • Added FullScreen Support
    • Dynamic Sized, looks nearly the same as Normal BeffsBrowser
    • Applied the same stability fixes under the hood as main browser.
  • Added Cusor Effects for Page loading.

  • Enhance the Check for updates panel, to handle just checking for a new version rather than a manual URL, I suspose somehow maybe getting the last digits, and if it is equal more than current version number it is valid.

  • StartPage Updates

    • Added 3 additional quick pick websites.
    • Changed Facebook's icon to the official one.
    • The UI is changing for startpage soon, it will be more organized, and have many more quick pick websites.
  • Dependency Removal: Notification System for BeffsEasyCapture Tool.

    • The Notification popup system is unneccessary, and was removed - instead, you will just see the picture in the form immediately
    • Updating the Save system, Auto-Save. Saves based on Date, and Time.
    • Note that since this new save system will be completely beta, you can resave the image.
  • Feature Renovations: BeffsEasyNotes

    • See the changes in BeffsEasyNotes 2.0 including the name Change in this wiki!
    • Planned to be completed by version 2.6
  • Enhancments to Update Screen

    • Auto-Update Notifications (will run each time you open BB)
    • Updates Panel Enhancements.
  • Settings improvments

    • Updated UI more.
  • Enhancments: Under The Hood fixes

    • Increased Rendering Speed.
    • Addressed rendering bugs.
    • Optomized performance.
    • Optomized Navigation.
  • UI Updates

    • Flat buttons are now used
    • Changed Background to something more colorful.
    • Updated UI of Tab Control, more of these updates will come along in this release and several future releases.

Discontinued Features

  • Paint is being Discontinued

    • Failed to meet the proceedings to move forward in development will be removed as of V 2.2
  • Calendar Discontinued

    • Development for this feature has been discontinued.
  • Weather Discontiued

    • All dev plans for this feature have been discontinued.
  • Depreciation Life Cycle: Arcade is being Depreciated/Discontinued:

    • Removed Buttons Game
    • Removed Tappy Bird
    • Remaining Games will be removed in the next version of BB.
    • Official Notice in this wiki

More details to be released

Version 2.1 is around the corner!

With Version 2.0 Released, it will be time for some improvement, with a patch release. This release will include stability, and other misc. Fixes.


  • Fixing/Changing Mechanics for Favorites

This will fix Double Entries indefiently.

  • Updating the UI of Favorites and History

The History, and Favorites UI will now match that of Settings page, with the same background. Grouping these special dialogs, and parts will make BB more professional.

- Adding Weather Feature (BETA) Won't be ready

  • Removal of Top MenuStrip

After hard debating, the removal of the menustrip will give BB a Clean Design.

  • Fixing Bugs to make performance better

  • Addressing the hangup on launch caused by Gecko (May be addressed using a second splash screen while it loads)

  • Cleaning up BeffsEasyNotes, and readdressing key issues.

  • Slots Game Fixes

    • Custom Quick Bets (WIP, you will have the option of 2 quickbets for now during testing)
    • When you have less than required to bid, quick bets will be disabled e.g Quick bets 100 and larger if you have a balance of less than 100.
    • Bug Fix
    • Added some new mechanics (Can't say a lot right now, will add more details later!)
  • Discontinued Arcade Features:

    • Math quiz
    • Hangman
  • UI Upgrades

    • Adding Windows Metro Framework. (see here )
    • WIP, so may not be entirely added in this update. But it is happening.
  • Adjustments to the UI on the Nav. Bar, including moving of the clock it is now on the start up UI instead of in browser.

Other Notes

I am working on a few tweaks, first off, revamping of BeffsEasyNotes, it will be getting a UI Revamp. I am working on a different settings layout, including redesigning using the Windows Metro Framework. I am also working on eliminating multiple checkboxes for settings, instead there will be toggle buttons.

New Feature Coming : Site Restore

I have been working on a new feature, and design wise it will be more modern, and creative unlike the "Restore from last session" for Bad-Shutdowns with lets say Chrome Firefox, or other major browsers, it will be a better way to restore your last session, even if it wasn't a bad shutdown.

See all the details here

More information and more details on new additions will be released soon!

Version 2.0


It has really been an awesome couple of years. And my project has made LOTS of improvments. When I first started on Codeplex, after moving from sourceforge, I was starting to get hundreds of downloads a week. And I really appreciate each and every user. The open source community is a wonderful place to be a part of, and I was amazed to see how big it really is.

To kick off the celebration:

  • BeffsBrowser Version 2.0 will be ready before the holiday (July 4th is a US holiday)

  • Fireworks and "Virtual" Birthday cake will be seen around BeffsBrowser.

  • A boat load of new Beta features will be released, or at least a sneak peak of the features will be available.

After the celebrations, a patch update will remove all of the festivities, and bring a slick design that will launch us into a new era of development.

Release Date

Released 6/8/17 ahead of schedule!

At this time I am shooting to have it ready for June 24, 2017!

This is a little bit before the orignal launch date, which was July 4, 2015.

Did you know ?

Did you know? BeffsBrowser was orignally named BeffsChromeProject because of the Chromium Browser Engine.

Did you know? The first releases of BeffsBrowser wasn't in but, made with another application!

Did you know? BeffsBrowser is over 200k lines of code.

Did you know? I have spent more than 1k hours coding BeffsBrowser Releases!

Did you know? BeffsBrowser has gotten more than 1k downloads!

Did you know? Some versions of BeffsBrowser never made it to the public!

Did you know? BeffsBrowser was the first thing I started to learn VB.Net.

Release Notes

This release will feature a lot of new stuff, so many of the items listed have details within another page

Resolved. Feature will be released as planned :)


Currently - V1 is a little short of a Custom experience. So I want to change that.

Coming in the update, you will now be able to save up to (5) sites.


Save up to (5) of your favorite sites

Popular Sites (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter just to name a few) Built in you can use your slots for something special!

HTTPS Quality! I have taken pride in using my resources provided by github to my full advantage. Anything you navigate to by me is SECURE!

And so much more!!!


More slots.

Customize Default Slots

Custom icons

Custom Background

Finished product See the screenshot here


V 1.6.3 will feature a new UI, and then after that more and more settings options will be added.


Features that make your browsing experience better

Tab Warning Settings

Some browsers like FireFox have a dialog that warns when you are closing a window with 2 or more tabs. While this feature has been around in BB for a while now, it needs a small enhancment. When you get v2.0 and open settings you will now be able to disable this dialog completely. Work will be lost - so if you use any sites that may lose your work I suggest to keep warning enabled!

By Default it will be enabled so you will get this warning.

Bug Fix

The tab warning dialog would only appear if you had 2 tabs, it should have shown when you had 2 or MORE tabs. This has been resolved.

NEW! BB will let you know you are offline!

From a older beta feature comes a new one! NetNotifier will be at your side telling you when you don't have access to the internet! This feature is in development and will have more details once it is done!

Meet Gecko!

Gecko is the most powerful, most secure, and fastest Webbrowser engine available for .NET - And is the EASIEST to develop with!

A Few things about Gecko:

  • Same Web engine that powers FireFox

  • Secure

  • HTTPS/HTML5 Ready

Version 1.6.3

Feature Updates

Extending the Secure-Lock feature

I plan to extend this feature. As of now it don't do anything when clicked. I will be adding a security infomation dialog next release. (as I forgot to add it)

The info will tell you if the current site is a secure lock member (meaning its served over HTTPS)

You should only worry about sites that use http if they ask for credit card or personal info.

Sites like this project's site is NOT a security threat. I can't use SSL with my host.

New Features / improvements

  • Adding a new game to the arcade, TappyBird, another project of mine, I am going to convert it or just load it in a browser Window. Internet Connection is required to play at this time

  • Improving how the overall browser works reducing load times by 10%

  • Changed the workings of the SSL lock, it now uses a different under the hood method to show whether a website uses SSL or not.

  • Fixed a few bugs

  • Fixed Slots Game - it had some issues, still does. Those will be taken care of over time.

    • Fixed Neg Balance
    • Fixed Errors
    • Fixed a bug (minor but you wouldn't even touch the 70x otherwise. or 700x)
    • Made it a little more difficult to get 3 numbers
    • Changed some under the hood components
    • Added Quick Bets (Goes in bundles to 25k and then a "Max" auto bet of 250k
    • Adding "Auto Spin" May not be released until later
  • Updating how Private browsing works.

    • Now you have a added layer of security, browse only secure sites. Non-secure sites will launch a warning.
    • Fixes that can improve performance
  • Adding more Browser Settings^

  • Minor Fixes with buttons on various panels.

  • Adding icons on some areas that don't (such as arcade)

  • Fixed: Right Click Paste URL ShortCut!

What happened with this shortcut was the handler to see if it contained http or https, was causing it to throw the error and navigate with or without HTTP or HTTPS, to resolve it, the entire thing was overhauled and now you can simply right click and paste and navigate all at once with no issues.

  • Adding 2 new utilities!
    • Weather
    • Calendar

Details on these new features will be announced soon!

  • Reduction: Added Numbers Rounder, and Task Manager main Utilities panel eliminating the "Others" Section.

  • New setting: Hide Menu Strip. This is the strip above the URL Navigation Bar. By Default it will be Disabled to change this go to your settings.

    Your experience just got better with this setting. With this you can hide this, unless you need it. In V2, it will almost vanish and be merged into the side menu, this will allow less space in the window optomizing your experience.

^ May not get released until a later release

Version 1.6.2

Additonal Archives to this release #Fixes, Features and more A New Version is coming soon, most likely by the beginning of March it will be ready.

The main things I am addressing in the update are:

  • Errors

The errors are due to some mis-practices used within the application, changing how the files are stored will help reduce the errors.

  • Performance

After the last few updates the performance has increased quite a bit, especially after I implemented some under the hood configurations.

  • Xbox Controller Compatibility

Feature could be delayed in release

Due to the complexity of adding compatibility, it could take a bit - So I am adding the disclaimer, that it could be delayed in a later release, sometimes features are added but not accessed because of issues. But I will get it rolled out as soon as I can, hopefully, it will be ready by the release date but no promises!

This is something that is quite awesome, I am doing some research, which will take a while.

All in all the update is going to take lots of hours of work, so it will take just about every day for me to complete tasks to move a update by early March!

Full Details on this release can be found here


New Menu - Settings, and many other items have been moved to a side drop down location

New Icons - Updated the style - Made everything nice and clean looking!

New UI - New Icons, the new UI Releases are just about done with - I think I am going to go back on some of the changes and just leave it as it is in the next update!

Added the New Help Center removing the Help drop down, the above screenshot of the New Side menu is no longer valid as I just added this!

Version 1.6.2 will be here by Middle March, and will include:

  • Additonal Improvments to Private Browsing

    • Updated Icons

    • Increased URL box size.

    • Added Versioning.

  • License Changes

  • Update Names of File to history - History.

  • Update Youtube Converter UI

  • Add Minmizing Buttons on all UI's

  • Add more icons

  • change Round X to a square button.

  • Remove Select Failed Beta Features (Right now only Test Internet Connection will be removed)

  • Add a minimize button on Main Panel

  • Add BeffsCalculator - Doesn't open so probably forgot it.

  • Make BeffsEasyCapture More Large

  • Add Tools to BeffsEasyCapture may only have limited in 1.6.2 - 1.6.3 will get more tools and beyond

  • BeffsEasyNotes Fixes:

    • removal of changelog for now, maybe perminantly
    • Tested Copy and paste bug, went to over 50k words no issues - vs before. (Thinking it was related to the change log)
      • Tested with over 600k words, laggy but no issues.
      • Tested with over 2.5m words, still laggy but no exceptions or other issues.
  • Slots Game update

These features will come over the next few releases some will not be seen in this release - Starts at $10M Double money is now 7X and Tripple is now 77X - Enter any amount Up to 99M (will be increased later) - Design Improvments - Final Score Changes

#Beta Feature - HTTPS detection

A Secure Lock Icon will appear if the site is secure. This isn't 100% accurate and is only done via a simple method at this time.

The Lock will just indicate the site is sent over HTTPS it will not however guarantee any safety of such site.

More items to be added!

Version 1.6.1

Updates - Bug Fixes - Features.

This next release will be a Bug squisher - As well as some performance fixes - and maybe a couple of features!

#Bug Fixes - To be fixed

  • A Visual bug with the youtube downloader where the top bar of the form is overlapping with the textbox Fixed

  • The bug with Text-to Speech is being addressed. In progress

  • Addressing a bug with fullscreen. Resolved

    • Menu Strip doesn't overlap anymore
    • Fixed the Bug with FullScreen
  • Added the Icon for the New Startup Home Screen. I forgot to add it before the release.

More to be added


  • BeffsEasyCapture

    • Easily Capture a image using shortcuts! In progress
  • Changed the UI to match the new UI Fixing a bug that occurred with the visual look of the textbox

  • StartPage Version 0.2.0 will be released. Adding some more sites TBD - Updated Background color - Added hover effect to the header adding a blended theme. - Planning to add more sites.

  • Button Game

    • Adding more Levels
    • Multiplying the score (For example now instead of 1m you will get 10m)
    • New UI Changes (Not the same as the main UI)


  • Adding a Shortcuts Dialog showing all the current shortcuts.

  • Begin moving to a new menu to match other browsers. The menu strip will not be going anywhere!!

  • Updated Icons for the new UI The changes are amazing!

#New UI More changes! Note some are minor changes and not listed

  • Updated the navigation bar
    • Removed "Central Navigation" and replaced it with individual buttons on the Navigation bar.
    • Added a "More" Drop down moving Manage Favorites, New Window and others to it instead of the old Central Navigation Bar.
    • New Icons to match the Slick - design for the buttons. The "Icons" representing features are considered different than the Button icons for the sake of design.

More changes will be coming accordingly to make the UI more effective and easy to use.

#Arcade Updates

  • Adding a few new games to the arcade. (in the making New games to be rolling out in 1.6.2 and beyond.)
  • Updating the Casino Game to be more tough - Higher Jackpot loads. (5% chance of winning 2.5M Jackpot)*
  • Buttons Game has been updated.(See above)
  • More information to be released!

*DISCLAIMER: NOT REAL MONEY It is just a game!

See the New Year Log, on this update

Update has been released early!

New Trouble Shooting [wiki] ( Solution! I got all of the items listed in the changelog except the Xbox controller support which will come around soon!

I am going to begin working on a new release and will be ready by early March, the main thing is to fix some annoying errors, address some bad practices, and add a app cache system - And I also want to add Xbox Controller support for some of the features within BeffsBrowser.

More information can be found in the offical wiki

I added a [Update Article ] ( on the release of 1.6.1 Version 1.6.1 change log can be found below:

Version 1.6.1 Beta

Happy Holidays!!!

BeffsBrowser will be getting a update soon! I am almost done with just about everything there is mentioned Here and will let you know when the update is ready!

You can also check for updates by hitting the Version Label on the ToolBar in-App and choose "Check for updates" if updates are availalbe a button will show for you to download the new zip. Remember to Close out BeffsBrowser, and uninstall the previous verions.

Version 1.6.0

Been Released - Current Version!

Due to install issues 1.5.4 was released early in addition with below see Version 1.5.4 for all the update information.

#Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Update Panel display issue.

  • Fixed the small text on splashscreen.

  • Addresssed an Issue with FullScreen

  • Addressed an Issue with the enter shortcut for URL Box for some users. Fix is in progress

  • Flash now works due to the under the hood upgrades.

#What's new (in addition to what is listed in Version 1.5.4)

  • Updated SplashScreen to match New UI

  • Changed the Update panel so the install updates button is still visible but instead disabled, this was done due to issues with it displaying accordingly.

  • Private Browsing has been added again, this of course has a restriction of featues.

  • Added a Panel that explains all of the Shortcuts.

  • Updated some of the navigation icons, Removed Text

  • Added some more icons for some of the features without them, giving a more visual balance.

#Introducing Beff's Youtube Converter.

This is gonna be ready to go in version 1.6.0!


  • Shows Download progress
  • Downloads with ease
  • .MP3 Saved and ready to use!

Great for using when needing to download public domain music for school projects!!

#Restarting your computer from BeffsBrowser issues - Temp. Removal.

The feature has been removed for the time being. You won't see it showed when you load the form up.



The under the hood changes will take effect in Version 1.6.0

This change will impact what version of the under the hood component you have. This will happen at each load up. And will be modified as more come available.

Windows 10 users you Should be using the Windows Edge wrapper.

The biggest change with this will come when I upgrade it and use alternative such as cef sharp

More to be added

Version 1.5.4

The following has been moved to the release of Version 1.6.0!

Favorites Updates

  • Added a Shortcut to Save a site to Favorites. (Use CTRL + Alt + F)

  • Changed the Favorites To a drop down on the navigation toolbar.

  • Added a shortcut to launch Manage my Favorites. (Use CTRL + Shift + F )

#Bug Fixes!

Even though a lot of these are gonna be taken care of in version 1.5.3 bugs are still creeping around. So,I will be fixing many things.

#BeffsSecure has been Retired.Removal Complete

As of Version 1.5.4 due to updates, and general issues, I have decided to remove BeffsSecure.

#Soduku Has been Retired. Removal Complete

This is a buggy feature - that I do not want to spend time fixing constantly, therefore it is retired.

#BeffsMedia has been dropped from development.

It is uncompatible with Windows 10 due to the removal of Windows Media player. VLC is a open source media player which I reccomend for your entertainment needs.

New items for Version 1.6.0

Inroducing Paint. On Hold

As you may have discovered I have already added the application. However, there are quite a few things missing and it may not be behaving right either.

  • Doesn't have erasing

  • Doesn't have saving or new

  • You can't resize

  • You can't write text

  • You can't change colors

  • you can't change background color

To make it short with the above you can't do much. The lines are kind of random.

To make matters worse is I have no idea how long it will take me to get it complete. So, until then it will be removed - well the button will be disabled. The development and beta on this newest feature will come some time soon!

Introducing Start Page Completed

This is a popular feature in most browsers including major ones. The idea is to have the new UI look as a page with special links to popular sites such as Facebook, Google etc.

This is optional and will eventually be able to be disabled in the settings. This will NOT replace your home page.

Eventually as we move along, I will add more features to this. Allowing you to save your favorite sites.

Re-Introducing Private Browsing.

Please remember some things are not disabled via browser - so data collected by sites are not blocked.

This feature is very very fresh and I am only adding it back because I think I can safely make it work.

New UI

Introducing the New UI! I have decided waiting has been around long enough its time to get it out there!

Notice BeffsEasyVideoScreenCapture is NOT going to be in BeffsBrowser at this time. *

Version 1.5.3

This will be including a few fixes, tweaks, and finishings that I didn't do before I released 1.5.2 due to installation issues.

  • Update Dialog Display Bug Fixed

  • New UI Bugs Fixed

  • Attempting to fix a .exe only bug. (so you don't need to use the zip etc.)

  • Publisher Information Updated

  • Fixed UI on Update Dialog to match the rest of the new UI

  • And many more Fixes!

Fixes for BeffsEasyNotes

  • Fixed Copy Bug (wouldn't copy)

  • Shortcuts will work now, they are native to Microsoft OS and do not require special code.

Fixes for BeffsEasyCapture

  • Added copy right click menu.

This of course is a patch release, so while there will be nothing new, the bugs above will be fixed. These are crucial things that will make BB more stable, fast, and powerful.

Version 1.5.2

New UI See the full details here

#New UI Stage 2.2 will be released in this upcoming version.

The Stage 2.2 - Public beta will be added so all users can use the new UI and give general feedback. A extra section will be added to the bug report form to collect user feedback about the new UI.

Fixes and Changes

  • UI Tweaks

  • Fixing : Text to speech Crash bug (Fixed)

  • Taking the following feature(s) out of beta :

    • Task Manager
    • New And improved number rounder
  • Removing the following features :

  • Screen Resolution.

  • Last but not least - Check internet connect will still be marked as Beta.

New to BeffsBrowser

  • A Paint Program. In progress

  • Video Capture Feature Feature Started, Coming soon

    • Capture video and save it in a flash.
    • A work in progress, feature may not be ready before release.
  • GIF Converter Removed Will be in a future release (release tbd)

Updated Features

  • Task Manager

    • All tasks will be shown when loaded you won't need to refresh to see them.
    • Better UI
  • Number rounder

    • New UI
    • Bug fixes

Version 1.5.1


I am working on a new UI See Here for details.

BeffsBrowser Additions

  • Adding Shortcuts (see below)
  • Adding a Check for Updates Mechanism.
  • New Bug Report Form now using Google Forms - which is better than the old form!

Fixes or Tweaks

  • Added new Icon

  • UI adjustments

  • Removing access to decomissioned features.


  • Added more words.

Random Button Game

  • Added more levels

  • Changed UI Slightly #ShortCuts!

ctrl + S = Save Page

Ctrl + P = Print Preview

Ctrl + Shift + S = Settings

ALT+ F = Forward Tweak Due to a issue with another shortcut native to the browser wrapper, I changed the Shortcut

Ctrl + B = Backward

Ctrl + Tab = New tab

Ctrl + Alt + R = Refresh Changed based on user feedback

Ctrl + E = Stop

Ctrl + F = FullScreen

Ctrl + Shift + E = Exit FullScreen

#How to check for updates!

Click the version label in the main window, it will show a dialog with a button "Check For updates" click it.

You can do this once every 2 weeks without having to check back here!

#Release Date

Scheduled for sometime in Early october

Version 1.5.0

  • Bug Fix once you close the last tab the window will now close.
  • Flash will not be added.
  • Some features are decommisioned.
  • A few bugs have been squashed.
  • UI Tweaks.
  • Decomissioned Features are marked (see The Full List)
  • Added more Default search engine sites. Added: And AolSearch.

If you have one you would like to see added request it!*

*Yahoo Search can't be added at this time due to how the engine works. I appologize if this is your favorite engine but it isn't possible.

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