Solution for a challenge from
Site has error where images won't load when cookies are blocked. But images will load after a page refresh
Nav doesn't cover first section's background image because I used fixed instead of absolute
The challenge was to build an application to complete the following user stories:
- User story: Recreate the layout
- User story: Build the slide out panel that appears when clicking the shopping cart in the menu.
- User story: Create a hero image slider that changes the image after X amount of seconds. (Outdated)
- Monogram - Monogram website design
- Font Awesome - Icons
- YouTube - Lazy Loading
- W3 Schools - Dropdown Navbar
- W3 Schools - Picture
- Image Color Picker - Image Color Picker
- Tutorial Republic - Change image on hover
- Stack Overflow - Slide animation
- Codepen - Slide animation
- Demo2s - Slide animation
- Blog - Slide animation
- MDN Docs - Client Side Validation