A handly library I made that has a list of US names (female/male/both), and can generate random names, and random usernames.
Download/Clone namegen.py into your local python directory, then bring the library into your project using:
from namegen import namegen
###.names() method
This method just returns a list of names. Here is how you use it:
from namegen import namegen
#default param is ALL names for this method
allNames = namegen().names()
males = namegen().names('m')
females = namegen().names('f')
###.random() method
This method returns random names. Here is how you use it:
from namegen import namegen
#default param is from ALL names and count=1
a = namegen().random() #will be one random name
b = namegen().random('f') #will be one random female name
c = namegen().random('m', count=1000) #will be 1000 random male names
###.randomUsername() method
This method literally returns random usernames. Here is how you use it:
from namegen import namegen
a = namegen().randomUsername() #returns one random username
b = namegen().randomUsername('f') #returns one random female username
c = namegen().randomUsername(count=10) #returns 10 random usernames
#output for the print: ['Kerianne230', 'Kristian457', 'Darth518', 'Sauncho668', 'Antone170', 'Terri542', 'Robyn839', 'Graeme25', 'Elizabeth380', 'Ninetta409']
###.logins() method
This method generates user:pass combos in dictionary form. Here is how you use it:
#default params are count=1 and pwlength=8
a = namegen().logins() #this will give you one user:pass combo with pw length of 8
b = namegen().logins(count=10, pwlength=7)
#output: {'Bartlett425': 'VLteN9G', 'Antoine595': 'LLbcLuq', 'Layne563': '0vl6zir', 'Amory491': 'PLKhDKI', 'Winnie792': 'Yrz4miC', 'Brynna810': 'hUm8koY', 'Robbyn916': 'GyJOGLN', 'Samuel817': '63sOTY0', 'Dorry846': 'q2EwueV', 'Ada942': 'rWfurXH'}