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jdp edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 8 revisions




The tarn_getkey() function waits for a key press, and then returns a table with the keys corresponding exactly to the Doryen Library’s TCOD_key_t type. For completeness’ sake, these are the keys that the table will return:

vk The virtual keycode representing the keystroke
c If they keypress is a printable character, this contains it. Otherwise it is 0
lalt If the left alt is pressed, this is 1. Otherwise it is 0
ralt If the right alt is pressed, this is 1. Otherwise it is 0
lctrl If the left control key is pressed, this is 1. Otherwise it is 0
rctrl If the right control key is pressed, this is 1. Otherwise it is 0
shift If shift is pressed, this is 1. Otherwise it is 0


-- wait for a keypress
kp = tarn_keypress()
-- 65 is the virtual key code for any letter
if kp.vk == 65 then
    -- check if the character is a lowercase q
    if kp.c == "q" then
        -- exit code goes here
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