Handheld, standalone, network-free, air traffic monitoring application. Uses the dump1090-fa 1.09GHz SDR-based ADS-B and Mode S/3A/3C decoder.
- Range
- Automatic: automatically select smallest (power of two Km) range that includes all current tracks
- Manual: increase/decrease range in powers of two Km distances
- Trails (i.e., position points)
- show position point history
- can select no points, all points, or just the last 'N' points
- Aging of Tracks
- enable/disable fade-out with time since last seen
- Summary
- list of current tracks, sorted by distance from receiver
- includes: flight number, altitude, speed, direction, distance, azimuth, and category
- Details
- popup with detailed information on selected track
- all current information about the track
- Filters
- inside/outside altitude/speed range
- categories
- flight number (prefix)
- uniqueIds
- greater-/less-than distance
- heading
- Command-line Arguments
- Touch Panel Inputs
- Keyboard Inputs
- Left Arrow: reduce maximum number of trail points displayed
- Right Arrow: increase maximum number of trail points displayed
- Home: display no trail points
- End: display all trail points
- Up Arrow: increase the max distance to the next power of two Km
- Down Arrow: decrease the max distance to the next power of two Km
- 'a': auto-range -- enable auto-range mode
- 'm': manual range -- disable auto-range mode
- 'd': detail mode
- 'i': info mode
- 's': summary mode
- 'p': print info
- 'r': reset info
- 'q': quit -- exit the application
- 'h': print the keyboard inputs
- Set up for LCD Panel
- install raspi os with 'rpi-imager'
- Update OS: 'apt update; apt upgrade'
- Update firmware with 'sudo rpi-update'
- to fix HDMI issue with 5.15.56+
- should be fixed in future releases
- disable audio
- edit /boot/config.txt
- add ",noaudio" to the end of "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d"
- comment out "dtparam=audio=on"
- apt-get purge pulseaudio
- edit /boot/config.txt
- run 'raspi-config'
- enable SPI, I2C, and UART (no console)
- Display works out of the box after standard SW setup
- Enable the touchpanel:
- raspi-config puts this into /boot/config.txt:
- dtparam=i2c_arm=on
- dtparam=spi=on
- dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d # I think this is there by default
- add this:
- dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=25,penirq_pull=2,speed=50000,keep_vref_on=0,swapxy=0,pmax=255,xohms=150,xmin=200,xmax=3900,ymin=200,ymax=3900
- raspi-config puts this into /boot/config.txt:
- Calibrate the touchpanel:
- 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evdev xinput-calibrator'
- 'sudo cp -rf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/45-evdev.conf'
- 'sudo ex /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf' Section "InputClass" Identifier "calibration" MatchProduct "ADS7846 Touchscreen" Option "Calibration" "208 3905 288 3910" Option "SwapAxes" "0" Option "EmulateThirdButton" "1" Option "EmulateThirdButtonTimeout" "1000" Option "EmulateThirdButtonMoveThreshold" "300" EndSection
- 'sudo reboot'
- variation of: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/4inch_HDMI_LCD
- set permissions
- 'lsusb' to get vendor Id and product Id
- e.g., Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0bda:2832 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2832U DVB-T
- create file '/etc/udev/rules.d/20.rtlsdr.rules'
- add this content:
- 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2832", GROUP="adm", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+="rtl_sdr"'
- add this content:
- 'lsusb' to get vendor Id and product Id
- Enable serial port without console
- using 'sudo raspi-config'
- Configure and test serial port
- 'stty -F /dev/serial0 raw 9600 cs8 clocal -cstopb'
- 'cat /dev/serial0'
- should get NMEA strings from GPS unit
- N.B.
- Using $GPGGA NMEA messages to get orientation information
- Doing simple filtering of lat/lon
- Assuming device not near poles/equator (where discontinuities occur)
- Not using gpsd to reduce background load on the CPU
- RasPi didn't handle I2C clock-stretching properly
- seems to work fine with PiZero V2
- install Adafruit BNO055 library from PyPi
- 'sudo pip3 install adafruit-bno055'
- set up environment
- 'sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot debhelper librtlsdr-dev pkg-config libncurses5-dev libbladerf-dev libhackrf-dev liblimesuite-dev'
- clone dump1090-fa into ~/Code2/
- 'git clone git@github.com:flightaware/dump1090.git'
- patch dump1090-fa to not write history files
- e.g., as defined in dump1090.patch
- build modified dump1090-fa
- './prepare-build.sh bullseye'
- 'cd package-bullseye'
- 'dpkg-buildpackage -b --no-sign'
- run dump1090 from pocket1090.sh
- manual execution:
- desktop:
- '/home/jdn/Code2/dump1090/dump1090 --quiet --metric --json-stats-every 0 --write-json /tmp/
- raspbian bullseye:
- '/opt/pocket1090/dump1090 --quiet --metric --json-stats-every 0 --write-json /run/user/1000/
- desktop:
- manual execution:
- clone pocket1090 into ~/Code
- 'git clone https://github.com/jduanen/pocket1090.git'
- Prepare SW Environment for the application
- install 2.x pygame
- 'pip3 install pygame==2.1'
- Ubuntu: pygame 2.1.2 (SDL 2.0.16, Python 3.8.10)
- RasPi: pygame 2.1.0 (SDL 2.0.14, python 3.9.2)
- 'pip3 install pygame==2.1'
- also install missing package:
- 'sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-2.0-0'
- 'sudo apt install libsdl-gfx1.2-5 libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-kitchensink1 libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl-sound1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libsdl1.2debian libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-gfx-1.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0'
- 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt'
- install 2.x pygame
- install the pocket1090 application and supporting files (in /opt/pocket1090)
- './pocket1090.sh install'
- run pocket1090 application
- './pocket1090.sh start'
- manual operation:
- '/opt/pocket1090/pocket1090.py -v /run/user/1000 -L INFO -f'
- run in full-screen mode
- '/opt/pocket1090/pocket1090.py -v /run/user/1000 -L INFO -f'
- pocket1090.sh
- script to install, run, stop, get the status, and remove installation of pocket1090 application
- install 'dump1090.service' and 'pocket1090.service' in '/lib/systemd/system'
- change permissions: 'sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/{dump,pocket}1090.service'
- configure systemd
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- sudo systemctl start dump1090.service
- sudo systemctl enable dump1090.service
- sudo systemctl start pocket1090.service
- sudo systemctl enable pocket1090.service
- sudo reboot
- https://www.waveshare.com/product/raspberry-pi/displays/4inch-hdmi-lcd.htm
- https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/4inch_HDMI_LCD
- 4" 480x800 IPS LCD display
- portrait-mode
- 170 degree viewing angle
- separate (micro-USB) power input for backlight
- HDMI video input interface
- resistive touch panel, XPT2046 controller
- 3-/4-wire SPI interface to touch panel
- 26pin dual-row connector
- 1: 3.3V 2: 5V
- 3: SDA 4: 5V
- 5: SCL 6: GND
- 7: P7 8: TX
- 9: GND 10: RX
- 11: P0 12: P1
- 13: P2 14: GND
- 15: P3 16: P4
- 17: 3V3 18: P5
- 19: MOSI (TP SPI in) 20: GND
- 21: MISO (TP SPI out) 22: P6 (TP IRQ)
- 23: SCLK (TP SCLK) 24: CE0 (TP CS)
- 25: GND 26: CE1
- FlightAware Pro-Stick Plus: https://flightaware.store/products/pro-stick-plus
- built-in 1090MHz bandpass filter
- SMA F connector
- https://www.adafruit.com/product/746
- GPS Receiver
- 66 channel, 22 tracking
- 10Hz updates, 34 secs warm/cold start
- NMEA 0183, 9600 baud, 3V levels (5V tolerant)
- PA1616S module, MTK3339
- -165dBm sensitivity
- 20mA
- 3.3-5V input
- battery-backed RTC, CR1220
- Red Fix LED
- blinks at ~1Hz while searching for satelites
- blinks once every ~15 seconds when a fix is acheieved
- PPS output
- on-board patch antenna, u.FL connector
- pins
- 3.3V (out)
- ENB (in)
- VBAT (in)
- FIX (out)
- TX (out)
- RX (in)
- VIN (in)
- PPS (out)
- RasPi Connection
- GPIO 14: RX
- GPIO 15: TX
- 5V: VIN
- GPIO 27: PPS
- https://www.adafruit.com/product/2472
- I2C interface, Address: 0x28, 10K pullups
- might need 3.3K SCL and 2.2K SDA for 3.3V operation
- auto-calibration
- (black-box) sensor fusion
- emits:
- Euler Vector @ 100Hz
- only use Euler Angles for pitch/roll < 45 degrees
- Four Point Quaternion @ 100Hz
- Angular Velocity Vector @ 100Hz
- Accleration Vector @ 100Hz
- Magnetic Field Strength Vector @ 20Hz
- Linear Accleration Vector @ 100Hz
- Gravity Vector @ 100Hz
- Temperature @ 1Hz
- Euler Vector @ 100Hz
- N.B. highly sensitive to RF -- need to worry about placement/sheilding
- I2C interface, Address: 0x28, 10K pullups
- pins
- VIN (in): 3-5V
- 3VO (out): 3.3V output from regulator, < 50mA
- SCL (in): 3-5V, 10K pullup
- SDA (bidir): 3-5V, 10K pullup
- RST (in): reset on rising edge
- P0: n/c
- P1: n/c
- INT (out): interrupt on motion, 3V
- ADR (in): I2C address selection, 1=0x29, 0=0x28, 3V
- RasPi Connection
- 3.3V: VIN
- GPIO 5: DC
- 1090MHz: Mode-A/C/S transponder
- additional information (i.e., "extended squitter" message) aka 1090ES
- aircraft flying above 18,000ft are required to have 1090ES
- 978MHz: Universal Access Transceiver (UAT)
- aircraft flying above 18,000ft can have either UAT or 1090ES
- FLT ID: max of seven alphanumeric characters, same as id in ATC flight plan
- commonly associated with airline and flight number (e.g., AAL3342)
- for general aviation, its the aircraft's registration number
- ICAO address: 24b unique address, programmed at installation (like a MAC address?)
- in UAT Anonymous Mode, may not send ICAO address
- Unique Id starting with '~' means non-ICAO address -- e.g., TIS-B data coming from ground station?
- statistics
- captured over four days
- 52601 samples
- 219 uniqueIds
- Categories
- A[0-7]
- B[1,2,4,6,7]
- C[0-7]
- D[1,2,7]
- Emergency/priority
- no communications (7600)
- lifeguard / medical emergency
- Groundspeed
- min: 9.9 kt
- max: 571.4 kt
- Baro altitude
- min: -925 ft
- max: 126700 ft
- min: -20.3
- max: -2.0
- use dump1090-fa to emit json files, generate console display using pygame
- modify code to not emit history files
- --quiet --metric --json-stats-every 0 --write-json
- write to '/tmp/' on desktop
- write to '/run/user/1000/' on Raspi bullseye
- Display features:
- concentric rings indicating range (device is in the center)
- selectable range (between some min/max values that make sense)
- use NATO symbology? -- shape indicates type, vector indicates heading and speed, text for other values
- touch icon to get additional info pop-up
- e.g., squawk, emergency, altitude, RSSI, roll, category, nav mode, seen, *_rate
- age tracks by dimming them -- larger 'seen' value, the dimmer the track
- poll /aircraft.json for data
- read /receiver.json at startup to get receiver info (e.g., selected update rate)
- enable "track mode" where icon(s) leave slug trail behind?
- use color to indicate something interesting
- e.g., emergency, special aircraft, really high/low/fast/slow/etc.
- use gps receiver to get location of device?
- use flux-gate magnetometer to get orientation?
- select north is always up, or have the display reflect the device's current orientation
- use RasPi wifi to communicate with an external device (desktop, laptop, smartphone)
- stream raw data
- transfer history files
- save history files (with long save intervals)
- enable offline analysis or replay of tracks
- set alarms -- things to watch for
- e.g., specific planes, specific types of planes, specific metrics?
- switch to making auto-ranging the default
- max range is always a power of two in Km
- start with default range
- after each polling cycle, determine max distance of all tracks, make max range be next higher power of two (in Km)
- allow switching off autoRange (i.e., keep current range) and switching back on
- turn off autoRange whenever range-up/down/reset/max command given
- use last range or default range when no tracks available
- create different profiles for Handheld and Desktop uses -- do it all with config files
- put screen size and where to get assets into config (use different sized symbols based on screen size)
- Figure out what kind of input device to use -- e.g., track point, touchscreen, shaft-encoder
- use touch panel -- figure out how to make it work on Ubuntu
- Add UTC clock display (from GPS)
- Add map overlays?
- get map rectangles from https://openstreetmap.org
- export image as .png file with Export button
- define bounding box with min/max lat/lon values
- fixed size (e.g., 64km on a side) from given center point?
- load image with: myMap = plt.imread()
- get map rectangles from https://openstreetmap.org
- Change radar display if held vertically or horizontally?
- Make sure all temp files are written to appropriate file system
- come up with simple way of defining filters
- indicate how many tracks are being filtered at any point in time?
- add text table for additional information
- time (UTC) and location (lat/lon)
- summary of current tracks: (flight number, category, altitude, speed, distance)
- filtered tracks
- details of selected track: (?)
- improve symbols
- create different sized ones for different displays
- use color and shape better
- rotate (or not) properly
egrep RSSI /tmp/fa.txt | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 2 | awk '{cnt += 1; sum += $1} END {print "Avg RSSI: " sum/cnt " dBFS"}'
Avg RSSI: -10.8692 dBFS
install and use gpsd
- sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-clients
- disable gpsd
- sudo systemctl stop gpsd.socket
- sudo systemctl disable gpsd.socket
- manually start daemon
- sudo gpsd /dev/serial0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
- keep it running?
- sudo systemctl enable gpsd.socket
- sudo systemctl start gpsd.socket
run desktop client
- sudo cgps -s
gpsd installs python package
- from gps import *
can install adafruit-circuitpython-gps
- import adafruit_gps --> running gpsd incurs a constant cpu load and so would rather just query on-demand
- need to use library that works without gpsd
- pip install adafruit-circuitpython-gps
- pip install pynmeagps
- from serial import Serial import adafruit_gps from pynmeagps import NMEAReader uart = Serial(port="/dev/ttyAMA0", baudrate=9600, timeout=30) gps = adafruit_gps.GPS(uart, debug=False) stream = Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=9600, timeout=3) nmr = NMEAReader(stream) (raw, parsed) = nmr.read()
- NMEA 0183 parsing
- "$GPGGA,181908.00,3404.7041778,N,07044.3966270,W,4,13,1.00,495.144,M,29.200,M,0.10,0000*40"
- $GPGGA: message with fix data *'GP' means GPS, 'GL' means GLONASS
- MsgId:
- VTG: Course over ground and ground speed
- GSV: GPS Satellites in view
- RMC: Recommended Minimum Specific GPS Data -- UTC time, status, latitude, longitude, speed over ground, date, magnetic variation of position
- GSA: GPS DOP and Active Satellites
- GGA: GPS Fix Data
- UTC of position fix in HHMMMSS.SS format
- Latitude in DD MM,MMMM format (0-7 decimal places)
- direction of latitude: 'N', 'S'
- Longitude in DD MM,MMMM format (0-7 decimal places)
- direction of longitude: 'E', 'W'
- GPS Quality indicator:
- 0: invalid
- 1: GPS fix
- 2: DGPS fix
- 3: ?
- 4: real-time kinematic, fixed integers
- 5: real-time kinematic, float integers
- Number of SVs in use: [00-12]
- Antenna height -- MSL reference
- "M": meters
- Geoidal separation
- "M" indicates the Geoidal separation is in meters
- Correction age of the GPS data record: Null when not using DGPS
- Base Station ID: [0000-1023]
- RMC: Minimum GPS Data
- UTC of position fix in HHMMMSS.SS format
- Status: 'A'=valid, 'V'=invalid
- Latitude coordinate (0-7 decimal places)
- Latitude direction: 'N', 'S'
- Longitude coordinate (0-7 decimal places)
- Longitude direction: 'E', 'W'
- Speed over Ground in knots (0-3 decimal places)
- Track Made Good, True, in degrees
- Date in dd/mm/yy format
- Magnetic variation in degrees
- looks like I receive as many RMC and GGA messages, so I'll use the GGA messages while True: _, p = nmr.read() if p.msgID == "GGA":
- filter (lat,lon) samples (assuming not near poles/equator/where discontinuities occur)
- look at set of samples
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.scatter(x=lat,y=lon) avgLat = sum(lats)/len(lats) avgLon = sum(lons)/len(lons) plt.plot(avgLat, avgLon, marker="x") plt.show()
- ????
- look at set of samples
- "$GPGGA,181908.00,3404.7041778,N,07044.3966270,W,4,13,1.00,495.144,M,29.200,M,0.10,0000*40"
- NMEA 0183 parsing
set up I2C for IMU
- I2C HW: SCL=3, SDA=2
- Raspi doesn't do I2C clock stretching properly so have to do something else
- could switch and use the IMU in serial mode (with the second HW UART?)
- replace i2c device with bit-banging driver (using same pins) via device tree overlay
- sudo raspi-config
- Interfaces->I2C -- disable ('')
- sudo cp /boot/config.txt /boot/config.txt.orig
- sudo ex /boot/config.txt
- add: dtoverlay=i2c-gpio,bus=3,i2c_gpio_sda=02,i2c_gpio_scl=03
- reboot and "ls -l /dev/i2c*" look for /dev/i2c-3
- crw-rw---- 1 root i2c 89, 3 Dec 1 18:30 /dev/i2c-3
- verify with: i2cdetect -y -r 3
- should show BNO055 at address 28
- alternatively use second HW UART and strap BNO055 to use serial (instead of I2C)
sudo pip3 install Adafruit-Blinka import board import busio i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
sudo pip3 install adafruit-bno055
from Adafruit_BNO055 import BNO055 bno = BNO055.BNO055(address=0x28, i2c="/dev/i2c-3", rst=5) if not bno.begin(): print("ERROR: failed to init")
consider getting this: http://gps-pie.com/L80_slice.htm
- edit /boot/config.txt and add to end of file:
- 'sudo cp /boot/config.txt /boot/config.txt.orig' ** 'sudo ex /boot/config.txt' hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=87 hdmi_timings=480 0 40 10 80 800 0 13 3 32 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=25,penirq_pull=2,speed=50000,keep_vref_on=0,swapxy=0,pmax=255,xohms=150,xmin=200,xmax=3900,ymin=200,ymax=3900 hdmi_drive=1 hdmi_force_hotplug=1
- edit /boot/config.txt and add to end of file:
Waveshare 4" LCD
- XPT2046
- TFP401
- ADS7864
- issues:
- Shutting off HDMI "flip_done timed out"
- Issue with XPT2046/ADS7846 touchscreen on RPi3
- https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=173993
- /boot/config.txt
- https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=173993
What works:
install stuff
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evdev xinput-calibrator libts-bin evtest xinput
- sudo pip install evdev
- dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=25,penirq_pull=2,speed=50000,keep_vref_on=0,swapxy=0,pmax=255,xohms=150,xmin=200,xmax=3900,ymin=200,ymax=3900 or
- dtoverlay=ads7846,penirq=25,speed=10000,penirq_pull=2,xohms=150 or
- dtoverlay=ads7846,penirq=25,speed=10000,keep_vref_on=0,penirq_pull=2,xohms=150
- ads7846_device model=7846 cs=1 gpio_pendown=25 speed=1000000 keep_vref_on=1 swap_xy=1 pressure_max=255 x_plate_ohms=150 x_min=184 x_max=3869 y_min=141 y_max=3959
- sudo cp -rf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/45-evdev.conf
dtparam=i2c_arm=on dtparam=spi=on dtoverlay=ads7846,penirq=25,speed=10000,penirq_pull=2,xohms=150 * /etc/modules ads7846_device model=7846 cs=1 gpio_pendown=25 speed=1000000 keep_vref_on=1 swap_xy=1 pressure_max=255 x_plate_ohms=150 x_min=184 x_max=3869 y_min=141 y_max=3959
dtparam=spi=on dtparam=i2c_arm=on hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=1 hdmi_mode=87 hdmi_cvt 480 800 60 6 0 0 0 display_rotate=3 dtoverlay=ads7846,penirq=25,speed=10000,keep_vref_on=0,penirq_pull=2,xohms=150
* /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf
Section "InputClass" Identifier "calibration" MatchProduct "ADS7846 Touchscreen" Option "MinX" "2778" Option "MaxX" "63781" Option "MinY" "3254" Option "MaxY" "62964" Option "SwapXY" "0" # unless it was already set to 1 Option "InvertX" "0" # unless it was already set Option "InvertY" "0" # unless it was already set EndSection
Section "InputClass" Identifier "calibration" MatchProduct "ADS7846 Touchscreen" Option "Calibration" "3853 170 288 3796" Option "SwapAxes" "1" EndSection
* install evtest and run 'sudo evtest' to touch log for corner points
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y libts-bin evtest xinput python-dev python-pip sudo pip install evdev sudo apt-get install -y xinput-calibrator
* install keyboard
- 'sudo apt-get install -y xvkbd'
* 'xinput list'
* 'xinput list-props 6'
* view logs written at boot-up: 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log'
* 'sudo ex /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/45-evdev.conf'
setup xinput-calibrator
- 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evdev xinput-calibrator'
- 'sudo cp -rf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/45-evdev.conf'
- edit conf file:
- 'sudo ex /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf'
- add to file:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "calibration"
MatchProduct "ADS7846 Touchscreen"
Option "Calibration" "208 3905 288 3910"
Option "SwapAxes" "0"
Option "EmulateThirdButton" "1"
Option "EmulateThirdButtonTimeout" "1000"
Option "EmulateThirdButtonMoveThreshold" "300"
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evdev sudo cp -rf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/45-evdev.conf sudo reboot
- edit conf file:
LCD35-show git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git chmod -R 755 LCD-show cd LCD-show/ sudo ./LCD35-show