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Astuto is an open source customer feedback tool. It helps you collect, manage and prioritize feedback from your customers, so you can build a better product.
We offer a hosted solution, so you don't have to provision your own server. This is the easiest and fastest way to get started: you can sign up and start collecting feedback in a few minutes.
Start your 7-day free trial without entering any payment method, then it's 15 €/month with annual subscription or 20 €/month with monthly subscription. Learn more on astuto.io.
With the paid plan:
- You avoid deployment hassles like renting a server, issuing SSL certificates, configuring a mail server and managing updates
- You get some OAuth providers out of the box: Google, Facebook and GitHub are ready to log your users in, no configuration needed
- You get priority support
- You support open source and get our eternal gratitude :)
Read the Deploy with Docker instructions for the most comprehensive and up to date guide on installing and configuring Astuto.
What you find below are minimal instructions to get you started as quickly as possible:
- Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed
- Create an empty folder
- Inside that folder, create a
file with the following content:
image: postgres:14.5
environment: &db-env
POSTGRES_USER: yourpostgresusername
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: yourpostgrespassword
- dbdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
image: riggraz/astuto:latest
<<: *db-env
BASE_URL: http://yourwebsite.com
SECRET_KEY_BASE: yoursecretkeybase
- "3000:3000"
- db
- Edit the environment variables to fit your needs. You can find more information about env variables in the documentation.
- Run
docker compose pull && docker compose up
- You should now have a running instance of Astuto on port 3000. A default user account has been created with credentials email:
, password:password
Check out docs.astuto.io to learn how to deploy Astuto, configure custom OAuth providers, customize appearance and more!
There are many ways to contribute to Astuto, not just coding. Proposing features, reporting issues, translating to a new language or improving documentation are a few examples! Please read our contributing guidelines to learn more.
Astuto logo and all image assets are credited here.
A huge thank you to code contributors