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A personal memo about all the basic stuffs to know about the Rust language. Useful when I code...

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A personal memo about all the basic stuffs to know about the Rust language. Useful when I code...


Simplified list of Rust basic features (and benefits!) written using the official Rust documentation (

Compile the examples

cd example_folder/
cargo run

Table of contents

Variables and mutability

Check the project variables_and_mutability.

To remember:

  • every variable is immutable by default, declare them with mut to make them mutable,
  • if an object is immutable, that means all its attributes are immutable,
  • if an array is immutable, that means all its items are immutable,
  • variables declared with let cannot be declared into the global scope


  • you know what variable might be modified or not,
  • by default, a variable cannot be modified, it prevents bad surprises if a part of the program accidently tries to change the variable, especially when using multiple threads.


Check the project constants.

To remember:

  • when declaring a constant, the data type is mandatory,
  • a constant is computed at compilation, so Rust must be able to deduce its value during the compilation,
  • a constant can be declared as global,
  • a constant can be built from raw values, from another constant, from const fn functions,
  • const fn functions are evaluated at compilation time and cannot declare let variables


  • give an explicit name to raw values instead of losing insignificant digits, strings... in the code,
  • you only need to modify the constant declaration value in order to modify its value everywhere it is used,
  • explicitly calculate a value at compilation-time and not at runtime


Check the project shadowing.

To remember:

  • "shadow" a variable means create another variable with the same name, calling this name means getting the second variable value,
  • shadowing can be performed with totally different types between the shadowed variables


  • stop variables mutability (or start variables mutability),
  • limit the amount of variables

Scalar types

Check the project scalar_types.

To remember:

  • "scalar" types are integers (u8, i8, u16, i16, u32, i32, u64, i64, usize, isize), floating-point numbers (f32, f64), booleans (bool) and characters,
  • "usize" and "isize" size depends of the architecture (32 bits long or 64 bits long),
  • if the type is not specified when declaring an integer variable, the default type is i32, (BEWARE: Rust does not switch to i64/u64 if the value is too high for i32, it adapts it in order to store it into the i32, a warning is raised though)
  • f32 and f64 use IEEE-754 standard (, f32 has a single precision, f64 has a double precision,
  • char is four bytes long, and can store any unicode scalar value (,


  • "usize" gives the guarantee to be always good enough to hold any pointer

Compound types

Check the project compound_types.

To remember:

  • there are two compound types: tuples and arrays,
  • a tuple can have different data types, an array cannot have different data types,
  • a tuple types can be implicit or explicit,
  • array items are accessed using array[index] notation, tuples items are accessed using tuple.index notation,
  • arrays and tuples are affected by mutability and the mut keyword
  • arrays are simple chunks of memory allocated on the stack,
  • arrays and tuples have a fixed size, on arrays, that size may be implicit or explicit

Statements and expressions

Check the project statements_and_expressions.

To remember:

  • a statement is a code instruction that does not return a value, an expression is a code instruction that returns a value,
  • declaring a variable with let is a statement, defining a function is also a statement,
  • statements contains expressions, expressions are defined with blocks ({}),
  • expression that returns nothing return an unit type (()) (counterpart of void in C),
  • statements end with a semicolon, expressions have no semicolon at the end


Check the project ownership.

The rules of ownership

The three rules of ownership in Rust:

- Each value in Rust has a variable that’s called its owner.
- There can only be one owner at a time.
- When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped.

Move semantics

The following situation happens to objects that are allocated on the heap memory.

let text = String::from("my content");
let other_text = text;

// "text" is not callable anymore, its stack part has been copied
// into an "other_text" variable, the heap part is unchanged,
// the previous stack part ("text") cannot be accessed anymore

In the example above, a String is allocated on the heap. Meta-data of the string is allocated on the stack, including a pointer to the heap allocation.

When other_text is declared from text, the stack part of the object is copied and is now accessible through other_text. The heap allocated data is not affected.

Image 1

As a value can only have one owner at a time, other_text becomes the owner and text cannot be used anymore.

Image 2

Copy instead of move

The following situation happens to objects that are allocated on the heap memory.

let text = String::from("my content");
let other_text = text.clone();

In the example above, both of the stack and heap memory is copied and a brand new variable is created. Both text and other_text are accessible within the context.

Copy trait

Most of the types that do not require to set any data on the heap memory (and that only live on the stack memory) generally implement the Copy trait.

This trait makes the variables from those types to be copied by default. This is the case for all the scalar types.

let x = 5;
let y = x;
println!("{}", x); // 5
println!("{}", y); // 0

Function call

Exactly the same situation happens when a variable is passed to function. If the variable has heap memory allocation, the variable is moved and won't be accessible anymore from the client scope. If the variable has stack memory allocation only, the variable is copied (if it implements the Copy trait).

fn function(value: String)
    println!("{}", value);

fn main()
    let value = String::from("my value");
    println!("{}", value); // error: value has been moved
fn function(value: i32)
    println!("{}", value);

fn main()
    let value = 50;
    println!("{}", value); // no error


The Rust rules about references are:

The rules for references

At any given time, you can have either but not both of:
* One mutable reference.
* Any number of immutable references.

References must always be valid.


  • Only the owner of a variable can modify its value,
  • If the variable is borrowed by a reference, only one borrowing reference can modify its value,
  • Safety along ownership and borrowing ensures that only one variable access can modify it at a time (multi-threading)

Mutable reference

A variable can have exactly one mutable reference.

let mut variable = String::from("one string");
let reference = &mut variable;

Immutable reference

A variable can have many immutable references.

let variable = String::from("one string");
let reference = &variable;
let other_reference = &variable;

Invalid references

This causes a compilation error. This happens when the variable goes out of the scope before its reference.

let variable = String::from("one string");
let mut reference = &variable; // "reference" is a reference to "variable"

let other_variable = String::from("other string");
reference = &other_variable; // "reference" is a reference to "other_variable"

// "other_variable" goes out of the scope before the others variables;
// at this moment, "reference" is still its reference, so there is an error.


When a variable is borrowed by a reference, only the reference can access it until the reference goes out of the scope.

let mut variable = Structure {
    value: 10,
let reference = &mut variable;
variable.value = 20; // error: "variable" is borrowed by "reference"
let mut variable = Structure {
    value: 10,

    let reference = &mut variable;
    reference.value = 20;

variable.value = 30; // works well a "reference" does not borrow "variable" anymore


(check the lifetimes example)


Using Rust, every variable and reference has a lifetime. The lifetime determines how long a variable/reference exists.

    let value = 10; // lifetime of "value" starts here

    /* ... */

    let other_value = 20; // lifetime of "other_value" starts here

    /* ... */

        let other_reference = &value; // lifetime of "other_reference" starts here

        /* ... */

        // lifetime of "other_reference" ends here

    let reference = &value; // lifetime of "reference" starts here

    /* ... */

    // lifetimes of "value", "other_value", "reference" ends here

One of the reference rules is: "a reference cannot be invalid". That means a reference must always refered a variable that really exists (still accessible).

For instance, the following code does not compile:

    let value = 10;
    let mut reference = &value; // lifetime of "reference" starts here

        let other_value = 20; // lifetime of "other_value" starts here
        reference = &other_value;

        // lifetime of "other_value" ends here

    // error: "reference" lifetime is longer than its refered value "other_value",
    // calling "reference" from here makes no sense

The problem

Let's take the following example:

fn get_reference(reference: &i32) -> &i32 {

fn main() {

    let value = 10;
    let reference = get_reference(&value);

This code compiles without any error.

First, get_reference returns for sure a reference that has the same lifetime as the passed reference parameter.

Why ? Because there is now way to return a reference to an object created within the function, as the object lifetime would be smaller than the returned reference lifetime. There is only one passed argument, so for sure, the returned reference can only be a reference to the same object, so with the same lifetime.

Let's now consider the following code:

fn get_reference(
    first: &i32,
    second: &i32,
) -> &i32
    if *first == 0 {
    } else {

fn main() {

    let first = 10;
    let second = 20;

    let reference = get_reference(

The compilation of the code above fails and Rust requires us to indicate the lifetime of the returned reference.

In fact, the returned reference will refer for sure to the first or the second parameter reference value. But at compilation time, there is absolutely no way to find out which one. In that case, Rust is not able to deduce the lifetime of reference.

It may not seem to be a problem in the code above, but let's now check the code here:

let reference;

let first = 10;

    let second = 20;

    reference = get_reference(

println!("{}", reference); // error if "reference" refers to "second" !

Reference lifetimes into functions declarations

In order to use a lifetime, it is first mandatory to declare it. The simple way to do it when using it into a function is:

fn function_name<'a> {

'a is a declared lifetime, that's all.

In order to solve our problem above, we have to indicate that every lifetime of parameters passed to the function have to be the same, and the same as the returned reference.

fn get_reference<'a>(
    first: &'a i32,
    second: &'a i32,
) -> &'a i32 {

Calling this function with the following code now works well:

let first = 10;
let second = 20;

let reference = get_reference(

The two passed references must have the same lifetime, the returned reference also has the same lifetime, there is no risk of invalid reference.

On the other hand, using the following client code won't work:

let first = 10;
let reference;
    let second = 20;
    reference = get_reference(

In that case, Rust excepts &first and &second to have the same lifetime ('a) when calling the function get_reference, and this lifetime should be the same as reference (as the returned reference &'a i32 also has the lifetime 'a).

In the case below, this is wrong: second goes out the scope when still borrowed by reference. The compilation fails.

One solution would be to modify the function signature (note 'b for the second param):

fn get_reference<'a, 'b>(
    first: &'a i32,
    second: &'b i32,
) -> &'a i32

This also fails because the function "might" return second. second has a 'b lifetime and the returned reference has a 'a lifetime, so this code cannot compile.

References explicit lifetimes are not a kind of syntax rule to respect but more "an additional information to add to the code in order to ensure that you know what you are doing".

Meanwhile, if the function returns for sure always the same reference, there is no need to attribute reference lifetimes to other parameters:

fn get_reference<'a>(
    first: &'a i32,
    second: &i32,
) -> &'a i32

In the example above, the second parameter is never returned, so there is no need to indicate its lifetime.

References lifetimes into structures

It is possible to store references into structures. In that case, it is required for the reference to have a lifetime. The name of the lifetime has to be declared as the same way as for a function.

struct MyStructure<'a> {
    reference: &'a i32,

For example, the following code does not compile as "other_value" lifetime is not the same as the one used when the object has been created with "value" lifetime.

let value = 10;
let object = MyStructure {
    reference: &value,
    let other_value = 20;
    object.reference = &other_value;

References lifetimes into implementations

Lifetimes can (or must) be used into implementations. If the structure of the implementation used a lifetime, then this is required to specify the lifetime when indicating the structure. As the structure uses a lifetime, this is also require to declare it with 'impl'.


impl<'a> MyStructure<'a> {

It is then possible to indicate the reference lifetime into the method definition:

impl<'a> MyStructure<'a> {

    pub fn get_reference(&'a self) -> &'a i32 {

As the same way, reference lifetimes into structures gives information about the returned references:

struct<'a> Structure<'a> {
    first_reference: &'a i32,
    second_reference: &'a i32,

impl<'a> Structure<'a> {

    pub fn get_reference(&self) -> &'a i32 {

        if (true) {
        } else {

The code above can only compile if the references set for "first_reference" and "second_reference" have the same lifetime.

'static lifetime

The 'static lifetime refers to a variable that exists for the entire program execution. 'static is the longest lifetime that exists in Rust.


const VALUE: i32 = 10;

fn main() {

    let first: &'static i32 = &VALUE;
    let second: &'static str = "String that is stored into the code itself, String object can be created from it";

const vs static

(check the const_vs_static example)

const is a value that only exists into the executed binary, static is a variable that really exists in memory for the entire program execution

A static variable can be mutable; in that case, any access might be concurrent (multiple threads), so access must be performed into an unsafe block.

Generic types

(check the project generic_types)

This is possible to define generic types that can be replaced by any real type (scalar or compound).

Generic types on functions


fn get_result<T>(
    choice: bool,
    first: T,
    second: T,
) -> T
    if choice {
    } else {

fn main() {

    let result = get_result(true, 2, 5); // 7
    let float_result = get_result(false, 2.0, 5.0); // 7.0

Generic types on structures


struct MyStructure<T> {
    value: T,
    other_value: bool,

fn main() {

    let object = Structure {
        value: 10,
        other_value: true,

    let other_object = Structure {
        value: false,
        other_value: false,

Generic types on implementations


struct MyStructure<T> {
    value: T,

impl<T> MyStructure<T> {

    pub fn get_value(&self) -> &T {

fn main() {
    let object = MyStructure {
        value: 10,
    let reference: &u8 = object.get_value(); 

Different implementations can be defined for the same structure. The structure attributes types define what implementation to use.

struct MyStructure<T, U> {
    first: T,
    second: U,

impl MyStructure<u32, bool> {

    pub fn get(&self) -> &u32 {

impl MyStructure<bool, u32> {

    pub fn get(&self) -> u32 {

let object = MyStructure {
    first: 10 as u32,
    second: false,
println!("{}", object.get()); // 10

let other_object = MyStructure {
    first: false,
    second: 15 as u32,
println!("{}", object.get()); // 15

Generic types with enumerations

This is possible to use generic types with enumerations.

enum MyEnumeration<T> {

/* must be explicit if the first set value is not the generic type one */
let value: MyEnumeration<u32> = MyEnumeration::SecondValue(10);

/* can be implicit if the first set value is the generic type one */
let value = MyEnumeration::FirstValue(false);

Trait bounds

(check projet trait_bounds)

When passing generic data type to a function, this is possible to specify that the passed type must implement some given traits.

fn function<T, U>(
    first: T,
    second: U,
) -> bool
    where T: MyTrait + Clone,
          U: MyTrait

In the example above, first must have a type that implements MyTrait and Clone, second must have a type that implements MyTrait.

This is also possible to apply trait bounds at the implementation level. For example:

struct Structure<T> {
    value: T,

impl<T: Clone> Structure<T> {

    pub fn function(&self) {
        println!("some text...");

let object = Structure {
    value: 10 as u32, // u32 is T, it implements Clone

object.function(); // function() is callable as T implements Clone


(check the closures project)

Smart pointers

Box<T> stores data on the heap

(check the box_pointer project)

Box is a variable on the stack that points to an object on the heap.

let object = Box::new(10);
println!("{}", object);

Box are useful to store "recursive types" values (value that has an attribute that is the same type of itself, this is a kind of nested objects list).

In fact, the following code cannot compile as Rust cannot determine the size of the structure at compilation time (the size is infinite):

struct RecursiveStructure {
    next: RecursiveStructure,
    value: u8,

Instead, the Box pointer has a fixed size, as it contains some meta-data and a "link" to the heap data (but not the heap data itself). The following code is the solution:

struct RecursiveStructure {
    next: Box<RecursiveStructure>,
    value: u8,

A known creation-way of the recursive linked list is the usage of a "cons list" (use an enumeration).

enum List {

let list = List::Next(

A Box variable is moved by default. It is clonable only if the T type is clonable (implements Clone).


(check the deref project)

Used to define what happens on type variable dereferencing.

use std::ops::Deref;

struct MyStructure<T> {
    param: T,

impl<T> MyStructure<T> {

    pub fn new(param: T) -> MyStructure<T> {
        MyStructure {
            param: param,

impl<T> Deref for MyStructure<T> {
    type Target: T; // the targetted type must be specified into Target

    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

let variable = MyStructure::new(10);
println!("{}", *variable);

Deref can be used for "deref coercion".

fn display_digit(digit: &u8) {
    println!("{}", digit);

let value: u8 = 10;
let object = MyStructure::new(value);
display_digit(&object); // displays 10


(check the drop project)

Defines what happens when a variable goes out of the scope:

struct MyStruct {
    param: u8,

impl Drop for MyStruct {

    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("Destructor called !");

    let object = MyStruct { param: 10 };
    // print destructor


Rc means "Reference counting".

Rc is used when data is allocated on the heap and this data must be accessible from many different parts of the program. We cannot determine at the compilation time where the data will become useless at last.

use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {

    let first = Rc::new(10);
    println!("{}", Rc::strong_count(&first)); // 1

    let second = first.clone();
    println!("{}", Rc::strong_count(&first)); // 2

    println!("{}", *first);


Threads implementation by a language is known as M:N model. M represents the amount of "language-provided" threads (also known as "green" threads), N represents the amount of OS threads. There are M green threads N OS threads. In other words, if the OS provides an API to a program and allows him to use 5 threads, and this program wants to start 10 threads, then there is 10 green threads (process threads) that can use 5 OS threads.

To start a new thread:

use std::thread;

fn main() {

    let thread = thread::spawn( || {
        for i in 0..100 {
            println!("{}", i);

    /* some other stuffs into the main thread */

    thread.join(); // wait for "thread" to be finished

    /* the thread "thread" is finished for sure */

The thread::spawn closure does not take any parameter: 0 parameters are expected. In fact, the closure is "required" to capture the variables it needs from the current function.

The closure "infers" the variable it needs from the current function: it mays take a reference or a mutable reference.

In the example above, the compilation fails because by using a reference to "value" into the thread, there is no guarantee that "value" will be invalid before the thread execution terminates (as we can clearly see in the example):

let mut thread;

    let value = 10;

    /* the closure only needs a reference to "value",
       so it simply borrows it */
    thread = thread::spawn( || {
        println!("{}", value);

/* "value" does not exist anymore but "thread" might still running,
   so the borrowed reference of "value" inside "thread" is now invalid */

The solution is to force move semantics when passing current function variables into the thread function. The ownership is transferred from the current function variable to the thread variable.

let mut thread;

    let value = 10;

    /* ownership of the "value" variable is now owned by the thread */
    thread = thread::spawn( move || {
        println!("{}", value);

    /* "value" is not callable/usuable here anymore, so nothing bad
       that would affect the thread execution can happen to "value";
       thank you soooo much Rust */


(check the messaging project)

mpsc (multiple producers single consumers) are used to exchange messages between threads.

let (
) = mpsc::channel();


(check the mutex project)

Mutex = "Mutual Exclusion"

let mut value = 20;
let mutex = Mutex::new(value);

    let first_lock = mutex.lock().unwrap();

    // "value" can only be accessed through "first_lock"
    // and cannot be locked anymore until "first_lock" is not released

    // "first_lock" is destroyed

let second_lock = mutex.lock().unwrap();

It is required to use an Atomic Reference Counter to pass the mutex to multiple threads. In fact, we want to have pointer to it but we want to ensure that the mutex is accessed through an atomic way (when passed to multiple threads).

let value = 10;
let mutex = Mutex::new(value);
let mutex_arc = Arc::new(mutex);

// clone the Arc before passing it to the thread
let mutex_arc_clone = mutex_arc.clone();

let thread = thread::spawn(move || {
    let value = mutex_arc_clone.lock().unwrap();
    println!("{}", value);

    let value = mutex_arc.lock().unwrap();
    println!("{}", value);



Check the project macros.

Group identical "patterns" of code, in order to be reused. Macros allow metaprogramming.


  • prevent repetitions of code ("expand" a macro is better than copy/past the same code),
  • custom/specify similar macros with different patterns,
  • provide a variadic interface
  • repetition can be applied to multiple parameters (vec!)

Using a macro that has not be defined in the current module requires to use the #[macro_use(my_macro)] attribute. Using #[macro_use] loads all the macro.

In the example below, any macro of my_crate can be used into the current module and my_module.

#[macro_use] extern crate my_crate;
mod my_module;

Cell and RefCell

Provides "interior mutability" (different from other Rust types that provide "inherited mutability"). Cell provides interior mutability by moving in and moving out values from Cell object. In order to do the same with references, RefCell must be used, as it integrates lock feature before moving in or moving out.

"inherited mutability" must always be preferred to "interior mutability". Interior mutability is a kind of last resort solution, and can be used to make mutable wrapped values that are supposed to be immutable.

RefCell<T> allows to mutate data even when there are immutable references to that data. To do so, RefCell<T> calls unsafe code on the wrapped variable.

RefCell<T> vs Box<T>, Rc<T>

The Rust borrowing rules are:

  • one mutable reference OR many immutable references
  • the reference must always be valid

With Box<T>, Rc<T> and references, these rules are enforced at compile time. With RefCell<T>, these rules are enforced at running time (panic! if rules are broken).

  • Rc<T> has multiple owner of the same data (multiple Rc<T> refers to the same data), Box<T> and RefCell<T> can only have one owner to the data (only one Box<T> or only one RefCell<T> can refer to some data at a time),
  • Content of a Box<T> can be modified (mutable borrow), check is done at compilation time; Content of Rc<T> cannot be modified (immutable borrow), check is done at compilation time; RefCell<T> content can be modified, check is done at running time.

Check borrowing rules at runtime

let mut value: RefCell<u8> = RefCell::new(10);

let mut first_immutable_reference: RefMut<u8> = value.borrow_mut();
let mut second_immutable_reference: RefMut<u8> = value.borrow_mut(); // panic! at execution time

Hide object mutability under the wood

/* the "value" type is u8, modification is not allowed */
pub fn update(&self) {
    self.value = 20; // failure

/* the "value" type is RefCell<u8>, modification is allowed */
pub fn update(&self) {
    *self.value.borrow_mut() = 500; // works

Modify Rc content

Rc can have multiple owners to the same data (references counter pointer). Each Rc copy provides the wrapped data, but this data remains immutable. If the wrapped content is a RefCell, then it is possible to make the content mutable.

let mut value = Rc::new(RefCell::new(10));

    let mut first_reference = *value.borrow_mut();
    first_reference = 20;

println!("{}", *value.borrow()); // 20


Check the project replace.

std::mem::replace is used to replace a non-clonable object by another one. The previous object is then moved out and available for future usage.

For example:

struct MyStructure {
    array: Vec<u8>,

impl MyStructure {

    pub fn move_out(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
        self.array // fail, `array` cannot be moved out, clone is required or & is required

In the example above, the only way to get self.array is to clone it or to return a reference to it.

Moving it out can be handled by using std::mem::replace:

use std::mem;

/* some code */

pub fn move_out(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
        &mut self.array,
        vec![1, 2],


A personal memo about all the basic stuffs to know about the Rust language. Useful when I code...






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