50 days of immersive web is a personal challenge where I am trying different 3d stuff that runs in the web browser. My primary goal here is to make mini experiments, fail fast and find out what I really want to focus. Eventually, I hope to rid of perfectionism and value quantity over quality, breadth over depth and consistency over intensity. The updated experiments will also be archived in instagram and a github repo.
- Make 50 interactive mini websites including immersive elements: three.js, GLSL and WebGL
- Make a dedicated collage website where you can try the interactions
Experimenting with react-three-fiber.
Random noise & ordered dithering postprocessing shaders. I used these resources: https://surma.dev/things/ditherpunk/ & https://github.com/hughsk/glsl-dither/blob/master/4x4.glsl .
Custom threshold shader combined with UnrealBloomPass.
10,000 particles moving in parallax.
- particle texture credits: Particle Pack by Kenney, downloaded from kenney.nl/assets/particle-pack
I tried using the DeviceOrientation API. You can rotate the shape with your mobile device.
Today I played around with making random shapes and applying the Bloom postprocessing effect on the scene.
- Typeface credit: Anthony by Sun Young Oh, downloded from Velvetyne Type Foundry