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Installation: Windows

Wenzel Kuhn edited this page May 14, 2022 · 31 revisions


  • Download & Install Node.js 14
  • Download & Install git
  • Open Windows Comand Prompt
  • Type CD C:\ to change directory to the root C: drive
  • Type git clone
  • Type CD streetmerchant
  • Type npm install
  • Navigate to the newly created C:\streetmerchant\ in Windows Explorer
  • Type COPY dotenv-example dotenv
  • Edit dotenv file to your liking using notepad or similar and save
  • In Windows Command Prompt type npm run start from the C:\streetmerchant\ directory

At any point you want the program to stop, use Ctrl + C.

Bot Update

  • End the bot by pressing Ctrl + C.
  • Type git pull origin main
  • Type npm install (only required if there are new dependencies)
  • Type npm run start

Audio Notifications

This is required to make audio notifications work in Windows

  • Download cmdmp3 binaries
  • Extract all .exe files directly into your C:\streetmerchant\
  • Place your notification sound in your C:\streetmerchant\
  • Update your dotenv to include PLAY_SOUND=soundname.wav (supported file types: wav, mp3, flac)
  • Save your dotenv
  • Restart the bot with Ctrl + C then npm start run


It may be helpful to show file extensions. Winzip has a good article on this.

For further customization, visit the for the most up-to-date settings.