Throughout the years, I have taken an interest in a variety of computer languages. From my time in my undergraduate studies when I learned C++ and Visual Basic, to my self-taught years of learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript during the "browser wars" years. This has led me to a place where I am now and that is as a manager of a small team of developers for the City of South Bend. The cool thing about that role is the ability to not be stuck in one framework or one area of development. We get to build a number of small projects that use everything from T-SQL to Python to JavaScript and support a number of frameworks and libraries for each language.
Check out what I know, what I am working on, and what I am trying to learn below
A Spring Boot and Thymeleaf project to collect customer information and store it into a MySQL database, along with statistics related to the submission
Simplifirm - a client management system geared towards solo-practice attorneys that simplifies client management systems to the needs of a solo-practitioner. The backend portion of the project is built with Spring Boot and MySQL. The frontend is currently in development and will utilize BootStrap and React to connect the frontend to the REST API.
Personal Portfolio - Nothing more than Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a couple of simple libraries to showcase my projects to the world
Restaurant Website Rebuild - Taking on a website rebuild for a local restaurant. The main goal is to create a responsive design and to set up a connection to a third-party API for online ordering for carryout orders.
Backend Code Walkthroughs for students enrolled in a Java/MySQL/Spring Boot program. The curriculum is being redeveloped and there are several new sections where students are walking through developing an app with the video. Building out that code for student reference as needed.
If you are a student in the Promineo Tech backend program, feel free to ask me any questions about your Java/MySQL/Spring Boot homework. If you are not a student and think that I might be able to help you, ask away!