Laser is a UCI-compliant chess engine written in C++11 by Jeffrey An and Michael An.
The latest release and previous versions can be found here. Compiled binaries for 32 and 64-bit Windows are included.
Laser is a command-line engine only. To have a graphical interface, the executable can be used with any UCI chess GUI, such as Arena or Tarrasch.
- CCRL 40/4: 11th, 3281 ELO (4 CPU) as of October 21, 2018
- CCRL 40/40: 11th, 3227 ELO (4 CPU) as of October 24, 2018
The code and Makefile support g++ on Linux and MinGW on Windows for popcnt processors only. For older or 32-bit systems with no popcnt instruction support, use the NOPOPCNT=true
To compile, simply run make
in the main directory. The USE_STATIC=true
option creates a statically-linked build with all necessary libraries.
- The Chess Programming Wiki, which is a great resource for beginner chess programmers, and was consulted frequently for this project
- The authors of Stockfish, Crafty, EXChess, Rebel, Texel, and all other open-source engines for providing inspiration and great ideas to move Laser forward
- The engine testers and rating lists, for uncovering bugs, providing high quality games and ratings, and giving us motivation to improve
- Cute Chess, the primary tool used for testing
- Lazy SMP up to 128 threads
- Fancy magic bitboards for a 4.5 sec PERFT 6 @2.2 GHz (no bulk counting).
- Evaluation
- Tuned with reinforcement learning, coordinate descent, and a variation of Texel's Tuning Method
- Piece square tables
- King safety, pawns shields and storms
- Isolated/doubled/passed/backwards pawns
- Mobility
- Outposts
- Basic threat detection and pressure on weak pieces
- A two-bucket transposition table with Zobrist hashing, 16 MB default size
- An evaluation cache
- Syzygy tablebase support
- Fail-soft principal variation search
- Adaptive null move pruning, late move reduction
- Futility pruning, razoring, move count based pruning (late move pruning)
- Check and singular extensions
- Quiescence search with captures, queen promotions, and checks on the first two plies
- Move ordering
- Internal iterative deepening when a hash move is not available
- Static exchange evaluation (SEE) and Most Valuable Victim / Least Valuable Attacker (MVV/LVA) to order captures
- Killer and history heuristics to order quiet moves
- Enumerate or typedef basic values such as color, piece type, and scores
- Chess960 support
- Improved pruning rules
- More efficient PERFT and eval