The Aburi '2023 E30 Drift Kraze project is a single-page web application built using React. It serves as the online registration platform for an exciting E30 drift competition event. The project includes features such as Google Tag Manager integration, event information, and a registration form for participants.
Technologies Used:
- React
- Google Tag Manager
- JavaScript
Project Structure:
Left Pane: Displays the event's title, "ABURI '2023," and a photo credit link to Sven Ciupka's photo on Unsplash.
Right Pane: Divided into two components:
Sub-Paragraph: Provides information about the E30 Drift Kraze event, including a captivating title and event details.
Registration Form: Allows users to sign up for the event with fields for name, email, phone number, password, and password confirmation. Password strength is evaluated, and requirements are displayed. Users can submit the form to create an account.
Visit the Aburi '2023 E30 Drift Kraze website to explore the project.
Users can navigate through the sections, read event details, and register for the event by filling out the registration form.
Event photo by Sven Ciupka on Unsplash.
Icons from Icon-Icons
Created and maintained by Jeffrey Ohene.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.