CountdownTimer is a class representing a simple countdown timer. It is capable of following functionalities.
- Starting a timer
- Pausing a timer
- Resuming a timer
- Destroying a timer
type TimerState = 'idle' | 'started' | 'paused' | 'finished' | 'destroyed';
idle: timer is created but not started yet started: timer is started and running paued: timer is paused at a specific second finished: timer reached 0 seconds and not running destroyed: timer is stopped and not usable any more (currentSeconds is forced to 0)
- set focus time (default 25 mins)
- set short break time (default 5 mins)
- set long break time (default 30 mins)
- soft lock long break until 4 pomodoro
- Am I gonna leave this repo public? - IDK
- Write documentation explaining directory structure
- Add validations to settings modal input values
- Have UI guards for inputs and texts that are too long