Range Officer Bot is a software developed to help you running your dry fire exercise for ISPC Handgun simulating a real stage. This project was created with ❤️ by jekil to help you in a more realistic and safer training for IPSC competitions.
Range Officer Bot can work in two modes:
Beep Mode: plays only a start signal (beep), it can be used to test your reflexes.
Stage Mode: simulate the execution of a stage, with Range Officer Bot giving you all the commands from IPSC Handgun Competition Rules. The normal prcedure is simulated:
- Start of "the Course of Fire" with "Load And Make Ready" command (IPSC rule 8.3.1).
- "Are You Ready?" command (IPSC rule 8.3.2).
- "Standby" command (IPSC rule 8.3.3).
- Random 1 to 4 seconds delay of start signal (beep) after timer trigger (IPSC rule 8.3.3 and rule 8.3.4).
- Wait for a custom delay, giving you the time to execute your dry fire exercise.
- Finished the dry fire exercise gives the command "If You Are Finished, Unload And Show Clear" (IPSC rule 8.3.6).
- Put your gun in holster with command "If Clear, Hammer Down, Holster" (IPSC rule 8.3.7).
In Stage Mode you can also simulate, with a random probability of 20%, the Range Officer giving you some special commands:
- "Stop", during the execution of your dry fire exercise to simulate the Range Officer stopping you for an issue (IPSC rule 8.3.5). This helps you to train to react to "stop" when Range Officer detects a violation or an issue.
- "Safety, Holster", at the end of your dry fire exercise to simulate putting your loaded gun in holster
Range Officer Bot is a command line tool, written in Python and requires Python 3 to work.
You need to install required dependencies with the command (I suggest to use a virtualenv):
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can print the help with option -h
$ python rof.py -h
usage: ROF [-h] [-b] [-r] [-s] [-p] [-y] [-t EXERCISE_TIME] [-c {female,male}]
Simulate a IPSC Range Officer for Handgun competitions
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b, --beep-only Act as beeper only
-r, --repeat Repeat forever defined action
-s, --stage Run a stage
-p, --stop Range Officer use the STOP command at random
-y, --safety Range Officer use the SAFETY command at random
Time needed to shot the stage
-c {female,male}, --character {female,male}
Select Range Officer character
Thanks for playing!
Unmute your speaker, you need the sound system working.
For example, if you want to just have a beep, run the following command:
$ python rof.py -b
Selected mode: beeper.
If you want to repeat it forever with 40 seconds to run your dry fire, run the following command (you can exit with CTRL+C):
$ python rof.py -b -r -t 40
Selected mode: beeper (repeat).
Range Officer completed the job!
Range office is working again!
Selected mode: beeper (repeat).
Range Officer completed the job!
For example, if you simulate a stage, run the following command:
$ python rof.py -s
Selected mode: stage.
Load and make ready
Are you ready?
If you are finished, unload and show clear
If clear, hammer down, holster
If you want to repeat it forever with 40 seconds to run your dry fire, run the following command (you can exit with CTRL+C):
$ python rof.py -s -r -t 40
Selected mode: stage (repeat).
Load and make ready
Are you ready?
If you are finished, unload and show clear
If clear, hammer down, holster
Range Officer completed the job!
Range office is working again!
Selected mode: stage (repeat).
Load and make ready
Are you ready?
If you are finished, unload and show clear
If clear, hammer down, holster
Range Officer completed the job!
Range office is working again!
Selected mode: stage (repeat).
Load and make ready
Are you ready?
If you are finished, unload and show clear
If clear, hammer down, holster
Range Officer completed the job!
Sounds has been created using Text-To-Speech from TTSMP3, using Kimberly profile for female character and Matthew profile for male character. MP3 has been converted to WAV using Cloudconvert.