Code for reproducing results published in the paper "Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Learning Algorithms Using Deterministic RBF Surrogates" (AAAI-17) by Ilija Ilievski, Taimoor Akhtar, Jiashi Feng, and Christine Annette Shoemaker.
Within Julia REPL enter Pkg mode by typing ']' then execute
Ensure packaging has been installed properly by running Pkg.test("HORDOpt")
HORDOpt.jl is released under the GPLv3 license.
To cite the paper use the following BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{ilievski2017efficient, title={Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Learning Algorithms Using Deterministic RBF Surrogates}, author={Ilievski, Ilija and Akhtar, Taimoor and Feng, Jiashi and Shoemaker, Christine}, booktitle={31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17)}, year={2017} }