Part of the Jellyfin Project
Please take note that this package, while official, is mainly maintained by the Jellyfin coimmunity, as we have no core developer actively maintaining the RPM spec. |
This repository holds all the necessary scripts, workflows and descriptors to build and release the official Jellyfin RPM packages for Fedora, Rocky Linux and other Fedora/RHEL based derivatives or distros using the RPM packaging format.
All kinds of contributions are welcome as long as they conform to the contribution guidelines set forth by the Organisation global guidelines. Additionally, we request that you open an issue or ask in our official chats if you plan to make bigger changes.
The scope of the root licence of this repository solely covers the GHA Workflow scripts, .github
folder content, readme and repository utility files.
All of which are provided under the terms of the GNU Public Licence 3 or later.
The rest of this repository is covered by the Licence files contained within the closest root directory to the file in question. This is due to the nature of the source of these files, which where originally extracted from the jellyfin-server and jellyfin-web respectively.