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Joe English edited this page Feb 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ssptool wiki! Feel free to edit!

Here's a rough outline of where I see it going:

Main tabs in browser front-end:

  • Standards - list of applicable standards, generally fetched from upstream source via compliance-masonry.
    • Standards contain Controls, grouped by Family
  • Profiles - (called "Certifications" in OpenControl data model)
    • each Profile contains a selection of Controls from one or more Standards
    • possibly with tailoring information
    • though that is not reflected in the OpenControl model
  • Components
    • both locally generated and fetched from upstream
    • grouped by System
  • Pages - Narrative information, authored in Markdown, can be included in Documents
  • Reports - Various queries (gap analysis, SCTM, verification reports, ...)
    • reports generate tabular data
    • viewable as HTML, exportable as *.csv, possibly even as *.xlsx
    • reports also available from command-line
    • sssptool report reportid produces CSV output for futher automated processing
  • Documents - complete documents
    • assembled from Pages, Reports, and Generators
    • organization specified in config file
    • possible to generate multiple SSPs with different profiles/sections to satisfy different contractor requirements.
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