Introduction to OpenLANE - Sky130nm PDK
The main goal is to produce a clean GDSII without human intervention.
PLL, SRAM, ADC, DAC - Foundry IP's
RISCV SoC, SPI - Macros
For Digital ASIC opensource design --> RTL design, EDA tools, PDK are the required components.
$ docker $ ./flow.tcl -interactive $ package require openlane 0.9 $ prep -design picorv32a
$ run_synthesis
- It defines the width and height of core and die (dimensions of chip)
- Also, define the locations of preplaced cells. Parameters - Utilization factor and Aspect ratio
$ run_floorplan
PDN generation was successful
$ picorv32a.floorplan def file
$ run_placement
$ picorv32a.placement def file
$ git clone nickson jose - vsdstdcelldesign
$ Sky130_inv.spice
$ ngspice sky130_inv.spice $ plot y vs time a
$ grid 0.46um 0.34um 0.23um 0.17um