OpenLdap docker image used for Jenkins Infrastructure Project This project defines two docker images, one that run openldap and a second one that run a cron daemon who periodically backup the database
This openldap container require valid SSL certificate located in /etc/ldap/ssl where each filename is one of the following variable.
This docker image contains various scripts to run different actions.
Create backup:
Restore backup:
Start slapd:
This docker image can be configured with some env variable.
Define openldap admin DN
Default: 'cn=admin,dc=jenkins-ci,dc=org'
Define openldap admin password
Default: 's3cr3t'
Define openldap backup directory
Default: '/var/backups'
Define openldap backup file name. Filename must end with ldiff
Default: 'backup.latest.ldif'
Define slapd database name
Default: 'dc=jenkins-ci,dc=org'
Define slapd loglevel
Default: '256'
Define the ldap query used for healtcheck
Default to: 'cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=jenkins-ci,dc=org'
Define backup file to restore.
Define ssl private key file name. This file must be located in /etc/ldap/ssl
Default: 'privkey.key'
Define ssl certificate file name. This file must be located in /etc/ldap/ssl
Default: 'cert.pem'
Define ca certificate file name. This file must be located in /etc/ldap/ssl
Default: 'ca.pem'