A database application for signing exact English in Filipino Sign Language (FSL) using the JASigning virtual signing system that sythesises natural sign language performance using virtual human characters.
- Synthetic FSL uses a parametric definition of sign based on the gestural model of HamNoSys.
- Instead of HamNoSys symbols, the app uses Gestural SiGML to describe handshapes and signs making definitions more flexible and accurate.
- Gestural SiGML data are stored in a database for retrieval.
- A graphical user interface is built on top of the database to allow easier editing of signs.
Inventories of FSL handshapes and basic signs are being uploaded to be used for indexing a small lexicon for FSL signs.
Resources regarding FSL grammar are being collected for the development of an automatic translation system from English to Filipino Sign Language (FSL) using the current API.