dpastecli is a shell script to paste content from stdin to http://dpaste.com
- small
- reads from standard input
- deletion of content possible
- dpaste syntax supported (case sensitive!)
- Python
- PythonConsole
- Sql
- DjangoTemplate
- JScript
- Css
- Xml
- Diff
- Ruby
- Rhtml
- Haskell
- Apache
- Bash
- curl (http://curl.haxx.se/)
- put dpastecli to /usr/local/bin
- chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dpastecli
AUR Package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dpastecli-git/
Syntax template for Bash
$ cat shellscript.sh | dpastecli -s Bash
Omit saving the cookie
$ echo "Hello World" | dpastecli -o
Delete pasted content
$ dpastecli -d http://dpaste.com/id
Licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.
(C) Jens Nazarenus, 2012-2013