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This project was completed as part of a group learning exercise.


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Project Features

User Stories

  1. ✅ User can see a grid with n x n cards (n is an integer). All the cards are faced down initially (hidden state)
  2. ✅ User can click on any card to unveil the image that is underneath it (change it to visible state). The image will be displayed until the user clicks on a 2nd card
  3. ✅ If there is a match, the 2 cards will be eliminated from the game (either hide/remove them or leave them in the visible state)
  4. ✅ If there isn't a match, the 2 cards will flip back to their original state (hidden state)
  5. ✅ When all the matches have been found, the User can see a dialog box showing a Congratulations message with a counter displaying the time it took to finish the game



  • typescript
  • react
  • remix
  • xstate
  • tailwindcss

Game Logic

Decided to use xstate for the game mechanics.

Game State Machine

The diagram for the game state machine was created at Keeping track of this type of state can be complicated, and a state machine helps organize the possible transitions in the game.

  id: "memorize",
  initial: "choice",

  /* context represents the state we want to store within the machine */
  context: {
    cards: [],
    flipped: [],
    found: [],
    turns: 0,
    done: false,
    start: null,
    end: null,

  /* a hierarchy of states can be defined */
  states: {
    choice: {
      initial: "first",
      always: [
          target: "done",
          /* a function is defined as a "guard" with the name "isDone"
             this transition to target "done" will only happen if the
             cond guard returns true */
          cond: "isDone",
      states: {
        first: {
          on: {
            /* events can be sent to the machine, this one would be send("flip") */
            flip: { target: "second", actions: "flipCard" },
        second: {
          on: {
            flip: {
              target: "check",
              actions: "flipCard",
              cond: "isUnflipped",
        check: {
          invoke: {
            id: "checker",
            src: "checkMatch",
            onDone: {
              target: "first",
              actions: "matched",
            onError: {
              target: "first",
              actions: "unmatched",
    done: {
      /* at the end when we enter the "done" state trigger an action
         that sets the end time */
      onEntry: "endTimer",

Congratulations Animation

The animation that is shown when the game is won is using the <marquee> tag.

<div className="w-full bg-yellow-400 text-2xl py-6 flex justify-center">
    {(time / 1000).toFixed(2)} seconds - Congratulations

It looks like this tag is no longer supported, better use it while we still can.

Marquee Deprecation


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