A game programming library with "DIV Game Studio"-style processes for Lua/Love2D
You can find the malvado documentation on the Website
- Install Love2d
- Install Malvado:
luarocks install malvado
For the documentation generation, if you download from github, you need LDoc and Penlight .
love examples/helloworld
# or
love examples/demo
# or
love examples/space_asteroids
# or
love examples/bench
require 'malvado'
-- Define (not run) one process
HelloWorld = process(function(self)
-- Set background to grey
clear_screen(250, 250, 250)
-- Define global font (size, color (r, g, b))
local font = font(60, 0, 0, 0)
-- Write the "Hello world" text in the process position
write(font, self.x, self.y, self.text)
-- Runs until escape key is pressed
while not key("escape") do
-- Render the process
-- Start (main)
-- Set the title text of the window
set_title("Hello world")
-- Launch the background process
-- The application runs until there is no running process.
HelloWorld { x=240, y=280, text="Hello World" }