This project explores data structures and algorithms in C#. They are a work in progress and are not bug free. Feel free to contribute your ideas and fixes. I am using this as a tool to prepare for interviews.
- Ensure you have the .NET Core 3.1 SDK installed
- Each project has a separate test project. Use the tests to see working examples.
Holds a few dynamic programming examples
Holds example problems to string and subsets of a string. Here is a list of the problems:
- Sliding sliding window to find sub string length
Holds different sorting and searching examples. Here is a list of the different sort options:
- Bubble sort
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Binary search
Several different data structures.
- Single Linked List
Explores the Tree data structure. It focuses on a binary search tree. This tree has examples of:
- Inserting a node
- Removeing a node
- Finding a node
- Determining tree depth
- Determining the number of nodes in the tree
- In order traversal (DFS)
- Pre order traversal (DFS)
- Post order traversal (DFS)
- Level order traversal (BFS)
- Create a BST with the minimum height
We could add:
- Width of the tree (the maximum number of nodes at one level)
- Diameter of the tree (longest path between two leaves)