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arextar edited this page Jul 19, 2012 · 2 revisions

Developers will be able to create achievements for their game that can be unlocked and awarded to players. This will work very similarly to other achievement systems on other consoles. Developers can use the API from their games to unlock achievements for the player. The list of achievements for each downloaded game is cached so achievements can still be awarded when playing offline.

Achievement Structure

This structure is an extension of the structure in the Game Package

  title: String
  description: String
  display: Number // Configure how the achievement is seen when it is still locked
  icon: String // This points to a URL or local path
  status : {
    progress: Number
    goal: Number


This number describes how an achievement is to be shown only before it is unlocked (after an achievement is unlocked it displays all of the information.) If this number is 0, the achievement is completely hidden except for in the total achievement count.

This number is a result of combining the following bit masks:

  • icon - 1
  • title - 2
  • description - 4

Example: 3 (1 | 2) shows the icon and the title when the achievement is locked

When the achievements are declared in JSON this property is a string and can have one of the following values: icon, title, description, icon_and_title, title_and_description, icon_and_description, icon_and_title_and_description. The property defaults to icon_and_title_and_description


This object represents how close to completion the player is for the given achievement. The ratio of progress to goal represents how close to completing the goal the player is (this could be represented by a progress bar on the achievements page). An achievement that occurs after one event should have a goal of 1.



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