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lstebner edited this page Jul 18, 2012 · 1 revision

Name and Concern

First I want to address that although this area of Pine will very much function like a Marketplace, we don't want real money transactions so it'd be nice to explore some other potential names for this piece. One that has come up so far is to call it the "Arcade".

Due to functioning like a Marketplace, most terminology in here makes sense to be worded like real transactions are being made, but again remember it's all free. :)


This will be a public facing web UI that allows people to "purchase" available games. They will have to log in to a Pine account and then "buying" a game will attach that game to their Pine account. They will then be able to download and install the game from the package and all future updates can be handled automatically from the local process, though will probably use the store API to find and retrieve package updates.


  • Home page: sort of like main Steam page, can show new/popular games.
  • Game details: game overview page, think Steam again. Info about game provided by the developer, maybe images/videos or any other media. Friends that own this game already. Anything along these lines.
  • Search results: search functionality will be huge as the marketplace grows so I don't think anyone can argue this will be a much needed page
  • Checkout flow: I actually don't think there needs to be a checkout flow because everything is free, so instead of an "add to cart" type behavior, we can just have download links everywhere that initiate the download immediately. No need to create a cart and checkout as far as I can tell.

Backend API

The marketplace should really just be an API that can access games that are published, users for linking "purchased" games to their accounts and access to the actual game packages in order to serve them up for download.

Frontend Website

The actual marketplace can be built with any technologies since it will just use the API to perform all functions. One benefit to building it in nodejs would be the amount of other stuff built in nodejs and the fact that it will already be on the Pine and that would make it easy to be able to run the marketplace locally.

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