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Game Review Process

lstebner edited this page Jul 20, 2012 · 2 revisions

Why Pine needs it

Most people don't like the idea of a group of people that review their work before it can be posted to the public, especially in an open source project, but I feel it is required for a few reasons. First is to keep bug-ridden or incomplete games off the marketplace. Second is to be able to warn users about possibly offensive content. The goal is not to force games to censor themselves or developers to change their vision based on what we want released!

Who will the moderators be?

This is yet to be determined. My initial hope is to create a group of active developers in the community and give them access to games and some sort of process to get early copies that they can review. Eventually this group would have to scale to fit with the number of games that need reviewed.


I think it's important to have a ratings system just like film and mainstream games in order for users to be able to avoid content they don't want. It's important to remember this isn't always nudity or foul language, some people just don't like gore and they should be considered as well! So games should receive ratings categorized for various types of content and maybe an overall that is the sum of these.

Marketplace Filters

Users will be able to set up filters in the marketplace for all rating categories. They will need to be able to set thresholds and if a game doesn't meet them it shouldn't be shown in the marketplace for that user at all.

Rating Categories

  • Language
  • Nudity
  • Drug/Alcohol references
  • Violence (should this be broken into subtopics?)