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arextar edited this page Jul 23, 2012 · 1 revision

This is a basic description for how we plan submission, updating, and basic structure of games to work. Games will be hosted as Github repositories with a branch called pine-publish.


A web interface will be set up for developers to submit their games. This interface wil require developers to have an account and log in. (Review process still being worked on, see Game Review Process for updates)


The Github repositories will have a branch called pine-publish to which the developer pushes any updates. These updates will be checked for, and the updates will be pulled to the device when the game is not running (users will have the option to manually download updates if they choose).


All games need a base html file called index.html that loads needed JavaScript and CSS for the game to run.


There will be a data folder in the repo to contain JSON files describing data for the game. It will contain the following files:

  • game.json - Data on the game such as name and description (Game Package)
  • changelog.json - An array of updates including version number and description
  • achievements.json - An array defning the game's achievements (Achievements)

Todo: Make example pages for each JSON file to clarify how it should look

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