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lstebner edited this page Jul 18, 2012 · 5 revisions

What is a Package?

The idea is to have a game described by it's associated package. This should be a simple JSON file containing some or all available fields to fully describe a game. The initial download of a game package will be directly from the Marketplace. After initial download the local process on each Pine will be able to hit the Marketplace API to get the most recent package for a game and then determine if there are available updates that need downloaded.

Package Structure

disclaimer: I'm imagining this being stored using Mongo so id's I'm calling String's because they are hash's and anywhere that another schema will come into play I'm using the [Schema] notation that mongoosejs uses.

  name: String
  developer_id: String
  package_id: String
  published: Boolean
  published_date: Date
  last_updated_date: Date
  updates: [UpdateSchema]
  reviews: [ReviewSchema] //probably much further down the road
  meta: { //not sure that this really needs to be separated into meta
    average_rating: Number //probably won't come until reviews
    description: String
    marketplace_url: String 
    version: Float
  media: {
    images: {
      thumbnail: String
      cover: String
      icon: String
      wallpaper: String
      gallery: Array
    videos: {
      trailer: String
      other: Array
  achievements: [AchievementSchema]
  leaderboards: [LeaderboardSchema]
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